Finding Your True Self
A Love Story
Every great love story, no matter who it’s with, starts with the love we have for ourself — our true self. Take the journey within.
Audiobook, Kindle and Paperback Available
Every great love story, no matter who it’s with, starts with the love we have for ourself — our true self. When we’ve been told our whole life who we are, what we can be and how we should be, we only really learn who other people think we are and we forget who we truly are.
If we love an image of ourselves, we can’t truly love ourselves. In Finding Your True Self: A Love Story, Todd shares how we can get back to our true selves, let go of insecurity and doubt, break free from the confines of other people’s ideas about us, step into our power, and start that epic love story to start all love stories.
This book isn’t for people who are unsure about the direction they want their life to take. It’s for people who are unsure about how to take that inward journey and discover a deeper truth about themselves than their name and physical body, beyond their thoughts and their life story. It’s for people who want to understand life itself. You don’t have a body, you don’t have thoughts, you don’t have life, you are life. This book will end that duality within you so that you can discover the oneness all around you.
"If you don’t like the movie of life right now, keep watching. It never stays the same for long."
Finding Your True Self
In this book, Todd shares:
- Why your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship
- How to heal yourself not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually
- How to control your thoughts when it seems impossible
- How to not give away the power over your emotional state to someone else
- How to release your stress instead of suppressing it
- How to forgive without getting taken advantage of again
- How to stop running away from yourself
- How to face life with presence and peace
- How to reconnect with your mind and body
- How to let go of expectations, love fearlessly, and say yes to life
Know thyself is an ancient spiritual principle that has never been more urgently needed than this moment in time. The world over, cultures are being co-opted by Western materialism. The revolutionary power of the internet to connect us has also helped export narcissism, insecurity, isolation, depression and anxiety to even the most remote parts of the world. We are losing touch with our history, our ancestors, and ourselves.
If we don’t understand who we truly are at the deepest level, we won’t understand what makes us truly happy and fulfilled. More importantly, we won’t understand our causes of suffering and so we will be unable to end it. In Finding Your True Self: A Love Story, reconnect with the life force inside you, rediscover your infinite power, and awaken to this one precious, magical and miraculous life.
If we want to be happy, we have to reconnect and make friends with ourself. If we want loving relationships, we have to first love our true self.
Meet yourself, you’re amazing.