How to Manage Anxiety

Who are we? What are we? Where do we reside in this body? Why are we here and why is there suffering? What is this invisible pressure on my shoulders and how can we set it down? These questions and more we’ll explore in this meditative and uplifting video. We’ll find out how to be more present, more fully alive in this moment, and how to get the most out of our lives.

Life is but a series of small moments. We sometimes make these moments into big ordeals in our mind. But the more we learn to take life moment by moment, the more we can learn to let go our past, our future, the stories we tell ourselves, and the more free we will be.

Anxiety is an Opportunity

Getting our intentions to align with our actions and habits is easier said than done. We may wish to be more peaceful and focused, but as soon as we get distracted we fall back into old patterns. But, through a repetitive spiritual practice we can create lasting change and make new, conscious habits.

If you find yourself overthinking, creating problems out of thin air, or just generally not feeling light, joyful and free, this guided meditation can really help remind us on a deep level to just breathe and take one moment at a time.

Yes, there is a way out of anxiety. Letting go of our anxiety doesn’t just improve our life. It improves the lives of those around you as well.

Anxiety can often make us closed off to the world. Taking risks and putting yourself out there can become an insurmountable obstacle.

So what is anxiety, why do we have it, and how can we stop it? If you’ve ever wondered about any of these questions, this video may bring some peace into your life. 

When Your Anxiety Doesn't Serve You

Life is a beautiful tapestry of experiences, transitions and transformations. Getting old is one of those beautiful experiences that if we’re lucky, we will get to experience. But perhaps more so than any other transition in our lives, the uncertainty of getting old can bring up feelings of fear and anxiety.

So how do we deal with our fear and anxiety in a healthy way. How can we reframe old age and loneliness so that it becomes just another change of form in the content of our experience? And most importantly, how can we embrace what we have while building the future of our dreams? This video explains just how.

Useful Articles and Q & A

The Only Thing That Solves Financial Anxiety

All of us since we were very little children, started developing a relationship around money. Unless you were born in the top 1 percent, that relationship has probably had some degree of stress and anxiety. It’s only normal. We need it and there never seems to be enough of it.

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Anxiety Issues Making It Hard to Date

There are a few things we can do to lower anxiety. One way is to boost our confidence. This is done through practice and self-trust, so one thing to do is to try to have a meaningful (roughly 30-second) conversation with everyone you encounter, in a way that goes just

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Do You Think You’re Too Anxious to Meditate?

If you think You’re Too Anxious to Meditate? Think Again. As a wise Buddhist monk once said, “If you’re too busy to meditate for an hour a day, meditate for two hours a day!”  As I like to say, “If you’re too anxious to meditate, then you definitely need to

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How to Come Out of Survival Mode & Start Living

Q: Dear Todd, I am having a hard time separating myself, my body, and my needs for water, food, safety, shelter, etc.. from the lower order of constituents we’re made from. For example, I can see the peace of connectedness but at a higher level the anxiety of survival.TODD ANSWERS:

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How to Lower Severe Anxiety & Live a Peaceful Life

Q: Dear Todd, I suffer from severe anxiety. I meditate regularly and I can relax and get into some deep states but when I finish up, I just go back to that state of hypervigilance. Have you got any advice? TODD ANSWERS: So often our anxiety gives us anxiety. The

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coping with covid stress

Have Anxiety and Fear, What to Do to Feel Calm?

Let’s face it, fear and anxiety levels are higher than they’ve ever been for most people around the world since the COVID’19. We were all brought down to the knees owing to the pandemic. But since we can’t control many aspects of our lives, and we can’t run away from

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Helpful Books

finding your true self - a love story

Finding Your True Self

If we don’t understand who we truly are at the deepest level, we won’t understand what makes us truly happy and fulfilled. In Finding Your True Self: A Love Story, reconnect with the life force inside you, rediscover your infinite power, and awaken to this one precious, magical and miraculous life.

Digital ego book todd perelmuter

Digital Ego

In the book, Digital Ego: Undoing the Damage of the Digital Age, explore the nature of our newfound digital egos, what affect they are having on us, and how we can break free from our digital ego so we can live more fully, more authentically, and with more meaning and joy.

perels of wisdom book

Perels of Wisdom

In the modern age where attention spans have all but disappeared, this book makes timeless wisdom simple, direct, easy to understand, and most importantly, easy to implement so we can all create a life filled with peace, love and joy.

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