You Will Not Be the Same Person You Were Before a Todd Talk
"Thoughtful Communication Style,
Soothing Voice,
Inspiring Words."
A Business Performs Only As Well As the Minds Working There
“Every great human endeavor sprang forth first from the mind. To ignore the importance of the mind would be to ignore our greatest asset.”
— Todd Perelmuter
Most companies focus on motivating employees, but if an employee’s life is falling apart or their stress is piling up or depression is eating away at them, then just motivation is not the solution. We need the skills to heal and grow so that we can rise above any storm. And that is what Todd brings to his talks. He is compassionate in his approach, yet impactful. He talks on deep topics, yet he makes that talk accessible, enjoyable and inspiring.
He covers topics such as reframing and releasing stress, increasing focus and attention, and stopping negative thoughts from draining us. We all want self-motivation, discipline, focus and joy as we go through the day. It’s our mind that fights against us. When we develop the skills to master our mind, we become the masters of our jobs, our relationships, our health and our lives.
There’s something more valuable than learning new skills — learning how to learn new skills. In Todd’s Talks, audiences learn how to reach the mental state for optimum learning and performance. When we learn to focus, when we learn to learn, and when we become free from stress and fear, our minds work better and we remember better, we’re more creative, we make fewer mistakes, and we’re more thoughtful and skillful in every single thing we do.
As a former Copywriter, Creative Director, and Comedian, Todd speaks in a humorous, informative, easy-to-understand, and relatable way. He knows the challenges, he knows his audience, and he knows how to connect with them.
***83% of Americans Suffer from Workplace Stress & 90% of doctor visits are stress-related, American Institute of Stress

Book Todd For Speaking Events
Reduce Work Stress, Sick Days & Employee Turnover Rates
There isn’t a single person on Earth who is not going through some inner battle. We all suffer. We all witness sickness and death in our lives. But suffering is not the end of our story, for it is that suffering that leads us to discover the way out of suffering.
From 100-employee companies to 10,000, from blue collar to white collar, from mail rooms to board rooms, workers and entrepreneurs from all walks of life have been helped by these powerful and simple methods that ring so true to our human psyche. When we are happy and healthy we have more energy, we enjoy our work more, have fewer HR problems, better office relationships, and an unshakable confidence that helps us get ahead.
Reach out if interested in keynotes, speaking at events, panels, retreats, leadership retreats, conferences, conventions, universities, interviews, Q&As, and debates. Filled with useful wisdom, applicable knowledge, and simple actionable steps told in a delightfully entertaining way, these talks are always a life-changing hit. Todd’s impactful talks stay with the audience for the rest of their lives, benefitting their families, impacting their communities, and making the world a little more peaceful.
Inquire About Todd's Availability?
Imagine an office that can accomplish in 5 hours what is normally done in 8 hours. Imagine a place where everyone is passionate about their work, where everyone cares about each other and the company, where egos are kept in check and rational calm-headed clarity wins the day. When an entire workplace has a peaceful mind, this becomes a reality. A chaotic mind only produces chaos, but a peaceful mind is where insight, wisdom, focus, and clarity come from.