Free Loneliness Self-Help Resources
Aloneness to Oneness | Free Life-Changing Film to Beat Loneliness
In a world that’s never been more connected, we have also never felt so lonely and isolated. We can be in huge crowds, but we can feel completely invisible. We can have thousands of followers and online “friends,” but no one to talk to at the end of the day. This film will unravel the secrets to never feeling alone.
Part 1
Part 2
Understanding Loneliness
Loneliness and boredom are both conditioned mental phenomena that share the same root cause. They are caused by comparing this moment to some imagined moment that would be better than the current one. Once this comparison starts, we get lost in negative thinking.
We only truly feel bored when our mind screams, “I’m bored!” We only feel lonely when we think, “I wish I wasn’t alone.” We create it, not our situation.
Once we understand this deeper nature of loneliness, we can appreciate companionship without the fear of loss. We can enjoy time with friends and family, but we can also find joy in aloneness.
Once we understand boredom, we can embrace the stillness. We can find peace in the quiet. We simply have to be, and to let go of any desire for things to be different. This doesn’t mean that we don’t make exciting plans or hang out with friends. It just means that between the time of planning and the actual activity taking place, we are at peace and we are joyful.
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Free Loneliness Self-Help Podcast Episodes
Feel Confident Being Seen, Heard, and Taking Up Space
Why do we put up these walls of inauthenticity? How can we tear them down so we can live true to ourselves and to what makes us truly happy?
(Listen on Apple Podcasts, Youtube or Spotify)
The Cure for Loneliness
What are the two types of actions we have to take to deal with loneliness? How can we accept, embrace and love our alone time? How can we start building those loving relationships we all deserve? (Listen on Apple Podcasts, Youtube or Spotify)
How to Survive a Dysfunctional Family
How can we survive the trauma that was normalized as children? How can we heal from the anxiety and PTSD we’ve developed? How can we unlearn the negative, critical voice in our head that we inherited from our family? And how can we mend the wounds of broken relationships? (Listen on Apple Podcasts, Youtube or Spotify)
How to Handle Betrayal Trauma
No matter what we’ve been through, we all have the ability to heal. We can all overcome our past, learn from it, and leave it in the past where it belongs. Learn how we can rediscover the perfect and peaceful present moment. (Listen on Apple Podcasts, Youtube or Spotify)
How to Heal From Abandonment Trauma
How can we heal from abandonment trauma? How can we help others, and how can we stop letting other people’s wounds wound you? (Listen on Apple Podcasts, Youtube or Spotify)
Recovery from Codependency and Codependent Relationships
What does codependency look like, why it happens, and what can we do to break the cycle, heal and move forward in healthy and loving relationships? (Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify)
Transformative Books on Experiencing Oneness

Aloneness to Oneness
22 Life Lessons to Change the Way You See the World
This book is a blueprint for stepping out of our separate, small, lonely existence; and into the infinite, eternal oneness of the universe. Only when we live in duality does greed, jealousy, hatred, competition and comparison arise. When we become one, only love remains.
In this book, you will learn:
- How to experience everyday ordinary life as if you are seeing the Aurora Borealis
- How to disidentify with your thoughts, not give power to your thoughts, and tap into your higher wisdom as the watcher of your thoughts
- How to free yourself from the mind-made prison of thoughts
- How to embrace the great unknown
- How to discover the God/universe within
Kindle & Paperback Available

Finding Your True Self
A Love Story
Every great love story, no matter who it’s with, starts with the love we have for ourself — our true self. When we’ve been told our whole life who we are, what we can be and how we should be, we only really learn who other people think we are and we forget who we truly are. If we love an image of ourselves, we can’t truly love ourselves.
In this book, you will learn:
- How to let go of insecurity and doubt
- How to break free from the confines of other people’s ideas about you
- How to not give away the power over your emotional state to someone else
- How to stop running away from yourself
- How to step into your power, and start that epic love story to start all love stories
Audiobook, Kindle & Paperback Available
Useful Blogs/Q & A with Todd
How Can I Overcome Feeling Alone and Misunderstood?
Q: Dear Todd, some kid in my high school class is talking bad about me, and I don’t even know them. I don’t get it. I even showed my own mother, and she said, “What
How to Heal From Abandonment Trauma Through Spirituality
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Can I Be My Own Role Model?
Spirituality is a word that means something different to just about everyone. Some people think spirituality is about being kind to others at the expense of ourself. They think it means being taken advantage of,
Am I Destined to Be Forever Alone & Single?
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Need Someone to Care About Me
Sometimes in our lives we can feel like there is nobody there to care about us. Other times, the people who are supposed to care about us are trying to take advantage of us. So
How to Overcome Loneliness When Living Alone
From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter Newsletter If you feel like you were meant to live in a group of loving, supportive people, that’s not an accident. It is hardwired in our DNA. Human
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Path to Peace The Cure for Loneliness
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