My Story of Weightloss Through Meditation


30 years. That’s how long it took Todd Perelmuter to figure out moderation with food. It was 30 years of dieting and relapsing. 30 years of extreme food fads followed by binges.

Until one day, he found the key to weight loss. And this time, it wasn’t a new diet or exercise craze. It was an ancient practice called meditation.

Learn how to use meditation to become not just a conscious eater, but a more conscientious person. This isn’t a diet book. It’s a book about loving our lives more deeply, becoming more present, and in the process losing a lot of weight quickly and keeping it off for good.

In this audiobook, I talk about:

  1. What is missing in all the weight loss programs
  2. What techniques the spiritual mystics have taught for weight loss
  3. How to eat like the Buddha
  4. And a meditation to make healthy eating effortless and enjoyable
my story of weightloss through meditation

"When you're constantly chasing one experience to the next, you can't fully enjoy and appreciate anything because your mind is always in the future, always thinking about what's next, always looking for the next best thing."

Learn to Develop a Healthy And Loving Habit With Food

My Story of Weightloss Through Meditation

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I used to weigh 250 lbs. I was unhappy, unhealthy, and I was either eating a highly restrictive diet or I was off the wagon and binging like I was in a one man eating competition.

We think it’s the food that makes us unhealthy, but it was my mind that was choosing foods that were not healthy for me. Or rather, it was a lack of awareness into my own impulses, desires and cravings that led me to mindlessly eat.

In this audiobook which is very personal to me, I share some very simple ways we can change our mindset, expand our awareness, and create new desires so we can develop a healthy and loving relationship with food.

Whether you’re eating to fill a spiritual hole in your heart, or old habits are just too hard to break, this audiobook will tell you what actually works when it comes to weight loss, because it worked for me and so many others who I’ve had the pleasure to share it with.