Can I Be My Own Role Model?

Spirituality is a word that means something different to just about everyone. Some people think spirituality is about being kind to others at the expense of ourself. They think it means being taken advantage of, letting governments and people do anything they want, being passive, inactive, and naive.

Other people think spirituality is all about selfish interests, self-love, self-care, and selfishly feeling happy despite the many problems in the world. They think spirituality means taking care of yourself at the expense of everything else.

But, both of these views miss the bigger picture. Other people’s joy is our joy. Our joy, if we are surrounded by misery, is not the deeply joyful experience we long for. And so it is by recognizing our interconnectedness, even if we feel like we are alone, that we can see how our actions impact the world, and how that impact gets amplified and multiplied until it eventually gets reflected back to us.

In this podcast episode, I talk about how we can make the greatest impact on ourselves, on others, and how the changes we each make within can change the world entire.