Trying to Fit in With People Who are Not Spiritually Awakened Yet

Q: Dear Todd, I experience non-dual consciousness pretty regularly. What I struggle with is sometimes there is a loneliness attached to it because most people in my daily life are asleep, and I end up forgetting about the non-dual nature of reality just to “fit in” and live my life without seeming crazy. Any advice? TODD ANSWERS: Spiritual practice is to constantly accept what is then move forward with wise…

12 Spiritual Motivational Quotes to Change Your Life

Everyday for a few moments, put away all distractions and find peace in the present moment, in the stillness. There is awe and wonder and beauty in everything. If you don't see it, you have to look deeper because it's there. As long as you make a life worth living, as long as your job is just a job, and the more you can be happy for other people's successes…

How’s Your Spiritual Health?

You may get your annual physical. You may see a therapist from time to time for a checkup from the neck up. But we rarely, if ever, check in with that deepest part of who we are. Some call it soul, others spirit. It has many names: source, prana, life-force energy, consciousness, essence, Atman, and Self.Spiritual health is more important than mental and physical health because from our state of…

How to Go From Spiritual Health to Spiritual Wealth

Last week I talked about how to do a spiritual health check-up. This week, let’s talk about how to go from spiritual health to spiritual wealth.We all have spiritual wealth already, but it gets obscured by incessant thinking, traumatic events, and a chaotic and negative mind. So here is how we can expand our consciousness, raise our awareness, and prolong our presence.It’s first important to realize that from awareness and…

Can a Spiritual Person Connect With a Non-Spiritual People?

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterHuman beings come in all shapes and sizes. No two are completely alike, and yet, we each find types of people who we most get along with. It is a natural and wonderful process that as we grow, our friends and relationships evolve and grow as well. With some people we’ll grow closer, and others further apart.Holding on and clinging to relationships that…

Having Spiritual Incompatibility Within Your Marriage?

As we embark upon the spiritual journey within, we may find that what we used to like no longer allures us. We may find that things we once disliked are now peaceful and calming. And as we change, we may notice our relationships also changing. This is a normal part of growth that happens throughout our lives. But what do we do when the people we love refuse to take…