How to Overcome Subconscious Patterns & Rebuild them

Q: Dear Todd, I feel like in my case, the subconscious patterns, regardless of which life they come from, seem to be more powerful than the conscious ones. Becoming fully aware of them after many repetitive cycles is one step. What would be the next step to 'overcome' and rebuild them? TODD ANSWERS: Subconscious patterns are deeply ingrained mental habits, so we need to treat them accordingly. Like any habit…

How Do I Know I am in Meditative State

Q: Dear Todd, it's 3:44 am and right now in the present moment I can't sleep due to stress and anxiety. But I'm aware and accepting of that fact. I'm not fighting it. Is this considered being in a meditative state? Awareness? For a positive or a negative? I hope this made sense... I am after all sleep deprived at the moment. Thank you TODD ANSWERS: Much of meditation is…

Why am I Not Seeing Any Results from My Meditation?

Q: Dear Todd, I have been trying meditation for at least a couple of years, reading books and blogs, and studying Buddhist teachings, yet I feel no different than I ever have. I want to feel a connection, I want to feel safer, loved, and be in communion with my spirit. What am I doing wrong? TODD ANSWERS: I wonder what kind of meditation you’ve been doing because different kinds…

When the Present Moment Becomes Boring

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter Newsletter Weekly Writings from the Desk of Todd Perelmuter Boredom may feel like a natural emotion or viewpoint, but nothing could be further from the truth. Boredom is born out of a resistance to the present moment. It is not a natural state to be bored. Boredom does not naturally arise out of a beautifully still, silent moment. Has any wild animal ever…

Is Meditation about Suppressing Thoughts?

Is mindfulness about controlling our thoughts or suppressing them? What even is the difference? Are they even possible things to achieve? Are they even worthy of us trying? In today's episode, I lay out the differences between these two approaches to dealing with our thoughts. But more importantly, I describe a third option for approaching our thoughts that is actually easy and way more effective for generating lasting happiness and…

Leaders Need Meditation More Than Any Other Skill Training

As Spiderman’s uncle said,“With great power comes great responsibility.” This immense responsibility has led many successful leaders to discover the benefits of starting their day with meditation. From CEOs Jack Dorsey to Arriana Huffington and Jeff Weiner. As well as basketball coach Phil Jackson and team leaders Michael Jordan and Tom Brady. Also creative geniuses like Jerry Seinfeld to George Lucas and the Beatles. For all of them, meditation has…

Does Universe Understand Negation in Mantras?

Q: Dear Todd, does universe know a negation or a negative? If you say it does the universe hears the opposite? I really get so confused sometimes with all the spiritual understanding.TODD ANSWERS: That’s a great question. Negation only happens when there is suppression or repression of a concept. For example, don’t think of a monkey. The mantra, “I do not need to be perfect, I do not need a…

6 Powerful Tips to Calm Down Anxiety Attack Immediately

Let’s face it, fear and anxiety levels are higher than they’ve ever been for most people around the world since the COVID'19. We were all brought down to the knees owing to the pandemic. But since we can’t control many aspects of our lives, and we can’t run away from our worries, the best thing to do is transform the way we perceive these constant threats, face and overcome our…

Can Meditation Cure Bipolar Disorder?

Meditation is a powerful tool for managing emotions and creating a sense of peace and equanimity through emotional highs and lows. I would highly recommend it for bipolar.I recommend starting with repeating a #mantra. It’s easy and a good way to get started. After a few weeks, give breath meditation a try where you just focus on your breath. Start slow and try to work your way up to 20…

How Can I Embrace Present Moment If It’s Bad?

The present moment is never bad. It just is. Life just happens. Our mind is what is doing all the suffering. It is our negative thoughts, our negative emotions (which we create negative thoughts about), and our desire to escape the present situation that make situations intolerable. When we are present, we are at peace, no matter what is happening around us. When we are thinking, especially when we are…