If you’re ready to let go of your negative thoughts and the baggage that is weighing you down, if you’re ready for a life filled with joy, purpose and meaning, please join me on the Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter. Being here and putting in this noble work is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and others. Afterall, the more peace we bring into our lives, the more peace we bring into this world.
Having the approval and praise of others is a natural human desire. We evolved to depend on each other for our survival, and so maintaining strong social bonds is in our DNA. But too often, people may voice their disapproval who do not have our best interests at heart. Other times, people may be too overcome with fear and worry to approve of people's lifestyles and choices that are different…
We are all on our own unique journey. And while no one can tell us what our adventure has in store for us, fortunately there is a great deal of wisdom that can be gained learning from people who have gone before us. Life is meant for growth. That's its purpose. It's the same for a tree or a person. While I am not done growing, there are many things…
No one is immune from life happening — the ebbs and flows, the ups and downs, the exciting and the monotonous. But it is this variety that makes life a beautiful tapestry. Someone recently asked me what I do when I get sucked into the mundanity of life. So, what tips and tricks can we employ when life gets boring or repetitive? And is it our external situation that needs…
Bad days. We all have them. It's the nature of life. Life is in a constant state of renewal and decay. Bad days can be caused when we face tragedy, or it can be from traffic or spilling our coffee. So what can we do when life's events don't go according to our plans and wishes? How can we overcome those negative downward spirals of thoughts and emotions? And what…
From the moment we're born, our lives are set to a timer. We're supposed to start kindergarten by this age, graduate college by that age, get married, have kids and buy a house by such and such ages. But what are we supposed to do when our life doesn't go to plan? Life is not a one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter recipe. As long as we are in a race to the end…
We all can reach a point where we just don't feel like doing anything. But why does this happen? Why do we get to a place when we feel like we need Tony Robbins to walk into our bedroom and start yelling at us to get it together? And if we are not close friends with Tony Robbins, what are we supposed to do about it? The good news is…
How do we know when to make a change and when to accept our circumstances? Is it better to stay in a familiar and safe situation than it is to take a risk on ourselves? Should we fulfill the expectations of our family or live a life that we find fulfilling? These questions are delicate balances we will each need to navigate in our lives. Finding where the line is…
Life moves in cycles. It is the nature of all things. We live in cycles with the sun, the moon, and the seasons. Our life moves in phases from infancy through old age. We have times of high energy, low energy, emotional highs and emotional lows. This is the nature of being human. When we spend our whole life engaged in doing things, we fail to understand how these bodies…
There are four common mistakes in our thinking that nearly all of us make and that contribute to our suffering. These misguided thoughts that stem from false beliefs cause us to inadvertently harm ourselves, our communities, and our planet. In this podcast, I share what those mistaken beliefs are, where they came from, how to spot them, and what we can do about them. I talk about how they block…
Forget disinformation, misinformation and malinformation. We live in a world of mass information. Every one of has access to endless content on our phones, TVs, VR headsets and tablets. Unfortunately, those algorithms don't tell us what is actually the most important, helpful, useful or honest content to consume. So what are we to do? In this podcast, I share how we can navigate this increasingly complex media landscape, how to…