11 Inspirational Quotes for Tough Times

1. It’s so important that we take time to heal. That means not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually too. Others may think that’s selfish and we may feel guilty, but it’s the most thoughtful, considerate, and compassionate thing we can do. 2. As long as you learn from a mistake, there is no mistake. 3. Nobody is perfect. No matter what, no matter how rich they are, no…

My Life in a Buddhist Monastery in Thailand

I stayed for some time in a Buddhist monastery in a jungle in southern Thailand. At first, it was my torment. There were no screens in the windows to keep the bugs away and this was my first experience sleeping with a wooden pillow. But as the days, weeks, and months went on, the lack of comforts became my salvation. This monastery became one of the greatest spiritual experiences in…

Beyond the Brain: Understanding the Boundaries of Consciousness

Q: Dear Todd, space-time does change (Einstein's relativity) and consciousness depends entirely on the function of the physical brain. Bonk someone on the head and they lose consciousness. Give them a general anesthetic and they lose consciousness. States of dreamless sleep lack consciousness. When the brain dies and its function ceases, the consciousness of that being is permanently extinguished. Any thoughts?TODD ANSWERS: Yes indeed, space-time bends and warms all the…

Why Does Life Always Seem to Be a Struggle?

Our mind is the determiner of whether we are happy and content, or longing and dissatisfied. We may think it is because of this situation or that one, but one way or another we find out that it always stems from our mind. The question is, will we learn to become the masters of our mind or not.Yes, we all wish for possessions, praise, friendships and a loving family. But,…

Can Spiritual Awakening Change Our Karmic Debt?

Q: Dear Todd, if you did immoral things before you were awakened to the universal truths will you be held accountable for those things in this life or future lives?TODD ANSWERS: Is a tiger responsible for killing a gazelle? I don’t think so. I think it is a creature living out its own nature based on its past karma/cause-and-effect. When we act with unawareness, we are not in control. Only…

How to Be Enlightened and a Millionaire

Money. We all need it, we all want more of it, and for most of us, there is no amount of it that will ever be enough. While providing for ourselves and our families is essential and noble, sometimes making money can come at the expense of ourselves, our fellow man, and the planet. So how can we earn money, get on that rat race, but maintain our ethics, continue…

Can Religion Help Us Reach Our Highest Potential?

What role do rituals, traditions and religious communities have in an individual's path to spiritual awakening? Can religion help us reach our ultimate potential? Or, are they nothing but superstitions and fairy tales? Do they create positive outlets for spiritual growth, or do they simply further divide our already divided planet? In this podcast episode, I explore the pros and cons of going to church, temple or mosque. I dive…

How Can We Escape the Illusion of Time?

Because we have clocks everywhere — our phones, microwaves, TVs, cars, etc… — we live in a mindset of time. I’ve seen people in the woods and for the first time in their lives they’ve actually not known the time. At first, they say, “I wonder what time it is.” Then later, “What time is it? Should we eat?”Soon they realize that their body will tell them when they’re hungry…

What’s the Best Way to Treat Your Enemies?

Q: Dear Todd, how can Ukrainians respond with love to their enemies?TODD ANSWERS: Someone recently asked me how I can suggest that even people in Ukraine respond with love when their lives are in danger. The person went on to tell me that they struggle with spirituality because "we have fear for a reason and if a bear is charging at you, it doesn't care if you respond with love…

How Can I Embrace Present Moment If It’s Bad?

The present moment is never bad. It just is. Life just happens. Our mind is what is doing all the suffering. It is our negative thoughts, our negative emotions (which we create negative thoughts about), and our desire to escape the present situation that make situations intolerable. When we are present, we are at peace, no matter what is happening around us. When we are thinking, especially when we are…