What Makes a Good Life & How to Live One

The question, "What makes a good life?" has plagued philosophers and intellectuals for millennia. It is one of, if not the most important question for our species.Everything we do is driven by our desire for a good life. And yet, despite doing our best to have a good life, we're often left feeling unhappy and dissatisfied.  If we give in to every urge and impulse, we may find ourselves sick…

Having Spiritual Incompatibility Within Your Marriage?

As we embark upon the spiritual journey within, we may find that what we used to like no longer allures us. We may find that things we once disliked are now peaceful and calming. And as we change, we may notice our relationships also changing. This is a normal part of growth that happens throughout our lives. But what do we do when the people we love refuse to take…

Are Your Kids Learning Mindfulness? Here’s What It Can Do For Them

Mindfulness meditation for kids is important as today, kids (as well as parents) have shorter attention spans than ever before. Things that were once commonplace like watching sunsets or staring at the stars are now deemed too boring. This age has become more of an age of Instagramming.When I was younger, I knew people who didn’t have the attention span to watch a full-length movie. Today, many kids can’t do…

Reason Why You Haven’t Found Peace & What to Do

Q: Dear Todd, I'm 49 and have not found peace yet. I have all the time in the world to meditate, eat healthy and exercise but it is hard to take the first step. Hoping I will get on the path of enlightenment and will start moving instead of being lazy and wishing for it. Any thoughts?TODD ANSWERS: Try not to carry all your ambitions and goals on your shoulders…

How Do You Explain Happiness to Someone Who Has Lost Job?

Q: Dear Todd, how do I explain happiness to someone who lost his job and was then evicted for not paying the rent? On top of it all, has a serious illness in his ankles. I am so overwhelmed with his pain and trying to help him as much as I can.TODD ANSWERS: I really understand. Often it’s harder to see someone else’s suffering than it is to go through…

How to Deal With Uncertainty About the Future in Life

None of us are promised tomorrow, we are only promised this moment. That can be scary, but it also makes this moment more beautiful, more precious, and more special. And while tomorrow’s uncertainty can be scary, the fact that this infinitely wondrous world is still spinning in all its complexity, can give us some peace of mind.Living in this mysterious universe isn’t always easy, but it is always perfectly in…

How is Bird Watching Different From a Guided Meditation?

Q: Dear Todd, I am sitting in front of my window watching the birds at my bird feeders. I was wondering what your thoughts are about this morning activity which I do every morning over coffee. How different is this compared to a structured guided meditation? I think they’re both very similar in that they keep you in the present. It’s a very calming thing for me. Yes, my mind…

How to Let Go of Perfectionism in Work to Perform Better

Executives, creatives, and high achievers all frequently suffer from the self-imposed stress of perfectionism. Striving for perfection is one thing, but when not reaching the impossible ideal of perfection causes stress and anxiety, then it no longer serves our highest interest or our best work. Luckily, the curse of perfectionism in high performance individuals can be overcome.What is the Curse of Perfectionism in High Performance Individuals?Oftentimes, the people who are…

How I Cured My ADHD with Meditation – Path to Peace Podcast

For both adults and kids, there is an epidemic going around. And no, I’m not talking about COVID. I’m talking about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). All across the world, we are losing the ability to focus and pay attention. From 1997 to 2016, schoolchildren diagnosed with ADHD went from 3 percent to over 10 percent and it is still rising fast. From March 9th to March 30th of 2020,…

Where to Focus Your Attention in Meditation? Within or Out?

When we meditate, where is the best place to put our focus? Within or out? This is a common question and the answer isn't as simple as one or the other. Mindfulness is about becoming aware of both. But if that's the case, how do we divide up our attention between the two? Sometimes we can be so lost in our mind that we are completely unaware of our surroundings.…