11 Inspirational Quotes for Tough Times

1. It’s so important that we take time to heal. That means not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually too. Others may think that’s selfish and we may feel guilty, but it’s the most thoughtful, considerate, and compassionate thing we can do. 2. As long as you learn from a mistake, there is no mistake. 3. Nobody is perfect. No matter what, no matter how rich they are, no…

When What’s Going in the World Makes You Angry

Q: Dear Todd, we are in a time where every man, woman, and child on earth is being threatened by a group of people or a part of the consciousness that is malevolent. The part of the race that actually is not content with what they have. Where they have so so much so-called monetary wealth and power that they have manipulated our existence and in a way have bought…

How to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions

Q: Dear Todd, I suffer daily because I work with animals - wildlife and domesticated. I see their suffering as a result of human beings every day. I don't know how to live my life without being in pain emotionally. How can I continue helping without suffering 24/7?Todd Answers: You are a warrior and a very kind-hearted empath. I know it can be so hard to be a warrior and…

My Grief Journey: How Spirituality Helped Me Cope With Loss

Recently, my family was stuck with that most tragic of news that every family receives but no one ever expects. A few weeks ago, we got the call that one of the closest people in my life has been diagnosed with late-stage terminal cancer. So, how does someone who teaches about spirituality grieve? Do they grieve? What does loss look like to someone who teaches non-attachment and impermanence? In today's…

Is Oneness Scary? Will It Make Me Suffer for Others?

A near universal experience as people begin to go down the spiritual path is that they discover that when they are no longer disconnected from the rest of the universe, they become highly sensitive and empathetic. This can be a very uncomfortable experience at first simply because it is so new and different. Some people wonder if this means that the spiritual path is bad or not meant for them.…

How to Practice Non-Attachment When Living with Families

How Can You Not Be Attached to Family and Loved Ones?I know it seems strange at first, but the more we examine it, the more we will find that love without possessiveness or clinginess is a far greater and more powerful love. This is what true unconditional love looks like.When we love with attachment, we love with stress and anxiety too, constantly worrying, even if it’s imperceptible. This subconscious stress…

Is Pure Consciousness Aware of Change or Suffering?

Is Pure Consciousness aware of change, suffering, etc., and if so, how is it that It does not change, and/or suffer?Phenomenal question. If a camera is shaking, stillness cannot be perceived. If a camera is still, both stillness and change can be perceived. So our consciousness must be changeless because we are able to perceive stillness. Consciousness is the witness of suffering, not the suffering. It is the witness of…

How to Be in the Present Moment When Sick

Q: Dear Todd, I’m dealing with a physical injury that's taken my mobility, I try and be positive about healing my legs every new day but my reality is that I sit isolated and alone consumed with SO much fear. I listen to/watch as many positive and uplifting things as I can to keep this at bay. Sometimes I find something which temporarily shifts my mindset and gives me hope…

Carrying the Weight of the World on Your Shoulders?

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterHow do our thoughts affect our emotions? Or, do our emotions affect our thoughts? What comes first, the thought or the emotion? Understanding the answer to these questions can help us feel better and think more positively. This can also help us heal from the grief of losing a loved one. (more on this in my YouTube video). So, let’s take a look…

Is It Possible to Find Peace While People in Other Countries Suffer?

Q: Dear Todd, is it possible to maintain inner peace when the world is going through so much? There are wars, terrorism and human rights violations. Is it achievable to be peaceful while other countries are suffering?Todd Answers: Isn’t it interesting that a parent with a child in danger can run and save the child without thinking but if we watch TV we get stress and sadness? This empathy is…