My Job is Making Me Unhappy, Should I Quit My Job?

Right now in the U.S., half of all employees are considering quitting their job.  That’s a lot of people unhappy with their work. The question is, will quitting this job and finding a new job make them happier? Or, will they be as miserable or more miserable at their next job?

To find out, Todd goes through a few questions we each need to ask ourselves before making any huge life decisions. Some people go from job to job and hate every one of them. Some people move from city to city looking for the place they’ll love, only to find that they dislike each of them. For these people, it’s probably not the job or the city. It’s the outlook. After all, we can’t run away from ourselves.

If you’re unsure about your job, your partner, or your city, this podcast is for you. Todd takes you on a journey of self discovery and inquiry to get to the heart of the matter: is the problem out there, or is it our outlook.

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