Can Meditation Cure Bipolar Disorder?

Meditation is a powerful tool for managing emotions and creating a sense of peace and equanimity through emotional highs and lows. I would highly recommend it for bipolar.I recommend starting with repeating a #mantra. It’s easy and a good way to get started. After a few weeks, give breath meditation a try where you just focus on your breath. Start slow and try to work your way up to 20…

Understanding the Ins and Outs of Humming Meditation

In this podcast, Todd explains the ins and outs of humming meditation, followed by a guided meditation. Humming meditation is an incredibly powerful meditation. The humming serves as a vehicle to transport you into the present moment. The powerful vibrations can open up breathing pathways and loosen up our muscles. Hum along or just let the frequencies from your headphones or speakers echo through your body.

Can I Meditate to Solve My Problem?

Today's question is really about using meditation for insights.  Can meditation work to see a problem wholistically? And more importantly, how can we use meditation to gain understanding and wisdom into a particular problem. These are things Todd learned about firsthand when living in a Buddhist monastery in the Himalayan Mountains in India, and he shares the answer to in this episode.

6 Ways to Use Mindfulness for Managing Emotions at Work

Sure, mindfulness is easy in meditation, but how can we use mindfulness for managing emotions at work?! I get it. We’ve all been there. The boss isn’t pleased with your work. Or maybe a coworker is trying to pass their work off onto you. Or maybe you just see someone wearing the same outfit as the one you just bought yesterday.Suddenly, our heart rates go up. Muscles tense up. Body temperature…

8 Reasons Why You Need to Meditate Right Now

Have you ever noticed how in life, all pleasurable experiences are temporary? Have you ever noticed the futile effort we make to prolong happy experiences, and yet they are always followed by more longing and craving for those same good times? This may be why meditation is making a comeback. So just what are the benefits to meditation?It seems we spend our whole lives seeking pleasure and avoiding pain as…

Can Spirituality & Meditation Help Me Gain Wealth?

Spirituality cannot gain wealth. But it can do two things. It can increase the quality of your experience of life no matter how rich or poor you are. It can also increase discipline, creativity, clarity, insights, understanding and wisdom so that we can be more successful at whatever we do. Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter

This is Why Meditation is Not a Placebo Effect

Meditation can often look like doing nothing, but that can't be further from the truth. Meditation is very active. It is the act of being between highly alert and highly relaxed. Being between these two states trains our mind and body to later do all the things we do when we interact with the world around us, and yet remain in a very peaceful state. Meditation is the literal training…

How to Use Meditation for Physical Pain Relief

Being in pain can make doing the things we need to do feel almost impossible. When we're in pain, we're not thinking clearly. We are fixated on the pain and we are often mad that we are not feeling well. This is why meditation is most important when we are in physical pain. So how do we meditate in pain? Recent scientific studies have shown that meditation can actually lesson…

Is It Better to Meditate Before or After Food?

To eat or not to eat, that is the question. During my travels throughout Asia and India, every guru, monk, meditation instructor and meditator told me the same thing when it comes to eating before or after meditation. In this episode, I'll share the wisdom I learned on my travels. And, I'll share what I have found both in my own experience, as well as the experience of people I've…

How Do I Know I Need Meditation?

“The greatest relationship we’ll ever have is with ourselves, yet so many people don’t take the time to know what makes them truly happy.” – Todd PerelmuterWelcome to the first step on the path to peace. Before you can heal thyself, you must know thyself. Once you finish this short quiz, you’ll be able to achieve the following:Know yourself better.Know where you are.Discover where you want to be.Understand how to…