How to Stop Excessive Unnecessary Thinking

Our society today values thinking above being. We are encouraged ever since preschool to always be thinking. While human thinking and intellect are the greatest tools for survival on our planet, if that thinking isn’t infused with presence, wisdom, and conscious intention, it will lead to every single problem humans have created throughout our history.

It’s no wonder most people have a deeply ingrained habit of incessant thinking. We don’t need to shut off our brain though. We just need balance. There is an epidemic of overthinking going on right now. It prevents humans from truly connecting. It is responsible for every grudge we can’t let go of, for every unmindful moment, and for every mental illness. In today’s podcast, I talk about how we can restore that balance as I answer the following questions:

  • Why do minds talk all the time in the background?
  • Is there a way out of the destructive loop of horrible thoughts, fears and grievances?
  • What can I do when these thoughts start racing uncontrollably in the night?
  • Is it even possible to stop our minds from self-talk?
  • How can I stop overthinking every little thing from my life and even others’ lives?
  • Is there a way to calm the voice inside?
  • How can I handle intrusive thoughts?