Can I Be My Own Role Model?

Spirituality is a word that means something different to just about everyone. Some people think spirituality is about being kind to others at the expense of ourself. They think it means being taken advantage of, letting governments and people do anything they want, being passive, inactive, and naive. Other people think spirituality is all about selfish interests, self-love, self-care, and selfishly feeling happy despite the many problems in the world.…

How to See the World Like a Child Again

When we’re young, everything is new. Children are open to everything and that is why we protect them from some of the scarier realities of our planet. But adults at some point and on some level are able to handle scary news headlines (more on that in my podcast on “How to Accept What Is When There Is Real Danger and Evil in the World?”). We grownups know the way…

Do This If You Want to Become the Best Version of Yourself

Only when we are not living completely authentically, and only when we misidentify with our mind-made versions of ourselves, can we wish to reinvent ourselves. The real question is, "How can I live more in line with my inner nature?" We all know the experience where we are so in our head, planning and plotting what to say or how to act, that we become insecure. When we become insecure,…

I Am Not the Person I Wanted to Be, How to Get My Life Back on Tracks?

We all have plans and goals, but so does the universe. Sometimes our plans work out, and sometimes even more magical experiences are in store for us than we could have ever imagined. This may make life seem scary and uncertain, but we actually wouldn't want it any other way. Challenges make us grow, stress makes us stronger, and learning to overcome obstacles makes us smarter. We are all here…