How to Control the Ego and Forgive Others

At the heart of every conflict is at least one or two outsized egos. These egos tear families apart,  break up lovers,  ruin friendships, and turn strangers into enemies.  So how did we get here? Why do we have these egos? Are our egos protecting us or hurting ourselves and our relationships? In this podcast episode (subscribe here ), I talk about how we can forgive without getting hurt again,…

Need Money for Financial Security – Is That Ego?

Q: I find meditation easier when I have the money to buy land away from people, know my bills are paid for life (yes I have anxiety), and have no chores to complete for the day. I don't want money to impress, I want money to RELAX - is that ego?Todd Answers: You are not wrong. Money is food, water, and security. The best thing we can do is recognize…

How to Stop Yourself From Arguing? The Fool-Proof Method

We live in a time of rage-filled news and algorithms that serve up content guaranteed to make your blood boil. And while we know on some level that there is no point in arguing with people who will surely disagree with us and never change, too often we fail to resist the urge and we end up spending way to much of our precious time and energy in the comments…

Why Am I Always Sabotaging My Happiness? How to Stop

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterHow to Stop Sabotaging Your Own HappinessLet’s take a moment and look at our ego — that thinking part of our brain. It’s not hard to see how, when all humans used to live in the wilderness, that these thinking machines would come in handy. It’s very useful, when there’s danger everywhere, to have these danger detectors. The ego is always looking out…

How to Free Your Mind From Emotional Attachments

What is the nature of attachments? Why do we develop them if they only cause suffering? How do we break free from the grip of attachments and how do we still form healthy and loving bonds? These are the questions we delve into in today's podcast.

How to Exhaust Your Ego

Q: Dear Todd, how to exhaust your ego?TODD ANSWERS: I gotta say, trying to exhaust the ego sounds... exhausting. I think the way to quiet the ego isn’t to battle against it, as the internal conflict will disturb our inner peace. Instead, I like to play with my ego, not work against it. If it’s behaving like an immature child, it’s still MY immature child, so I’m going to love…

How to Dissolve the Ego: The Most Efficient Method

Some people want to kill their ego. Others want to dissolve it. And yet others will say just make peace with it. So what is it? Violence certainly doesn't sound good. Is it even possible to dissolve it? Peace sounds good, but the ego tends to not be very peaceful.In today's podcast, I answer all these questions in depth, as well as discuss how we can use the ego as…

How to Silence the Inner Negative Voice With Meditation

Some people have such a loud voice in their head, that they are actually unaware they have a voice in their head at all. It's gotten so noisy and constant, that we don't even have the awareness to hear it because we are completely lost in our thoughts. In those cases, only when a person sits down to meditate and they actually turn their attention inward, do they discover the…

When We Feel Fear is That Ego? Or Unhealed Part of Ourselves?

Q: Dear Todd, so when we feel fear or experience suffering is that always the ego? Or is it an unhealed part of ourselves? Or both? TODD ANSWERS: Both and neither. These feelings of fear are merely evolutionary traits we have developed to stay far away from tigers and the edges of cliffs. Suffering is what tells us not to put our hands in the fire. But today, it is…