Living your life in fears, failures and regrets

Does anyone here have a crystal ball that sees into the future? Do you have a genie’s lamp with unlimited wishes? And most importantly, do you think having those things would make you happier? Perhaps you’ve seen the Twilight Zone episode of the man who dies and goes to heaven. In heaven, he can have everything he could ever dream of just by thinking it into existence. Over time, the…

How to Face Your Fears, Trauma and Demons?

We always have two choices in life: face or fester. You can either face your fears and overcome them, or you can let them fester underneath the surface.I have a dear friend who was the walking embodiment of fear. She was afraid of everything: ghosts, the water, even dogs. She told me she had “zero interest in spirituality,” but she let me teach her a simple meditation. She resisted a…

How to Remove Fear From Mind And Heart

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterDon’t be afraid to sit alone with your thoughts and allow yourself to work through them. What you fear to be unbearable is not so scary. But we must face down the monsters so that we can conquer them. We must shine a light on the dark corners we wish were not there.Suppression, repression, and distraction are most people’s favorite methods for dealing…

When Future Seems Dark, Uncertain And Scary

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterWhat can we do when the future looks scary, uncertain, or dark? The same thing we need to do when the future looks amazing and bright — discover the peace within us right now. How we feel now determines how we feel about the future, not the other way around.No matter what is troubling us — whether it’s loss, regret, stress or hopelessness —…

When We Feel Fear is That Ego? Or Unhealed Part of Ourselves?

Q: Dear Todd, so when we feel fear or experience suffering is that always the ego? Or is it an unhealed part of ourselves? Or both? TODD ANSWERS: Both and neither. These feelings of fear are merely evolutionary traits we have developed to stay far away from tigers and the edges of cliffs. Suffering is what tells us not to put our hands in the fire. But today, it is…

Have Anxiety and Fear, What to Do to Feel Calm?

Let’s face it, fear and anxiety levels are higher than they’ve ever been for most people around the world since the COVID'19. We were all brought down to the knees owing to the pandemic. But since we can’t control many aspects of our lives, and we can’t run away from our worries, the best thing to do is transform the way we perceive these constant threats, face and overcome our…