How to Reprogram Your Mind

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterWe live in the greatest time ever to be alive. We also live in the worst time ever to be alive.Both statements are 100% true. This is why people on the news can argue endlessly. The question is, which world do you want to live in: the best or the worst? The world we live in all depends on where we choose to put…

Can I Meditate Without Focusing on Anything?

Today, Todd talks about whether or not we can meditate while focusing on nothing. The thing is, being unfocused is just our normal state of mind. We typically go about our days just responding to whatever we perceive and whatever thought pops into our head. We are a slave to our impulses. Learning to focus, by practicing focus, is taking control of our mind. It's using your intentions to guide…

How I Cured My ADHD with Meditation – Path to Peace Podcast

For both adults and kids, there is an epidemic going around. And no, I’m not talking about COVID. I’m talking about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). All across the world, we are losing the ability to focus and pay attention. From 1997 to 2016, schoolchildren diagnosed with ADHD went from 3 percent to over 10 percent and it is still rising fast. From March 9th to March 30th of 2020,…

Where to Focus Your Attention in Meditation? Within or Out?

When we meditate, where is the best place to put our focus? Within or out? This is a common question and the answer isn't as simple as one or the other. Mindfulness is about becoming aware of both. But if that's the case, how do we divide up our attention between the two? Sometimes we can be so lost in our mind that we are completely unaware of our surroundings.…