Is It Better to Meditate Before or After Food?

To eat or not to eat, that is the question. During my travels throughout Asia and India, every guru, monk, meditation instructor and meditator told me the same thing when it comes to eating before or after meditation. In this episode, I'll share the wisdom I learned on my travels. And, I'll share what I have found both in my own experience, as well as the experience of people I've…

The Reason Why Meditation Gave You a Bad Experience

There are many people who have unpleasant experiences when they first try meditation. This is not uncommon. It's only natural that when we've lived our whole lives busy and always doing things, the first few times where we put away all distractions and turn our attention inwards can be unpleasant. There may be repressed emotions and negative thoughts for us to confront. This episode explores the causes of these negative experiences,…

The Don’ts Of Meditation: What Not to Do

Meditation is an antidote to modern life. More and more people are beginning to understand this. Most of the world is now either planning to shift or has already shifted to this divine and magical world of meditation. However, there are some don'ts of meditation. Here are a few rules of meditation that are good to keep in mind before beginning.How Not to MeditateMany people ask me if there’s a…

Right Meditation Technique to Cure Restless Leg Syndrome

Almost all of us have had restless legs at some point in our lives. We didn't think much of it. However, the problem is much severe for others. Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) can be very disruptive in people’s lives. It can lead to sleeplessness and thus a lack of focus, anxiety, and even depression. However, not many are aware that meditation can help cure Restless Leg Syndrome. How! You ask?…

Have You Tried Meditating With Your Eyes Open?

In this podcast, Todd Perelmuter answers a common question about a meditation style known as Open-Eyed Meditation. Open-eye meditation varies from staring at a candle flame to staring at a crystal, from staring at a statue of a God or staring at a blank wall. The fact is, almost any meditation is a great spiritual practice that has some benefit, and this one is no different. From more joy, more…

7 Ugly Truths About 2-Minute Meditation Nobody’s Telling You

Whether it’s losing weight, getting rich, or becoming enlightened, countless people are selling get-it-quick schemes. With smartphones and smart TVs and Amazon, we’re so used to getting what we want when we want. We’ve become an instant gratification culture and many businesspeople are more than happy to cash in on that. But, here is the truth about 2-minute meditation that everyone should know about.Right now, there are people out there…

Should You Force Yourself to Meditate If You Don’t Feel Like It?

Many people wonder if they should meditate even when they really don't want to. Others wonder if it's better or worse to meditate when sick. And some may even feel worse after meditation and wonder if this ancient spiritual practice just isn't for them at all.In this podcast episode, I dive into the debate about whether we should force ourselves to meditate no matter what, or if we should only…

Want Best Meditation Results? Meditate at This Time

One of the most common questions Todd gets is, "When is the best time to meditate?" Many meditation teachers have many different answers to that question and they give many different reasons for their answer. In this podcast, Todd goes into all the different theories about when to meditate is best, he explores what the science says about it, and he reveals the one true answer to that question that…

Is It Possible to Meditate Standing?

Can I meditate while standing? Driving? Biking? Walking? Talking??? I get it. We all want to reach that blissed out feeling 24/7. So what's the best way to get there? Will standing meditation hurt or help? These questions and more will be answered in today's episode. I'll talk about the benefits to sitting meditation, why we sit, and what kind of effects standing will have on our practice. While we…

Why I Get Extreme Tingling Sensations When Meditating

One person recently asked me, "Why do I get extreme tingling in my face and fingers when meditating?"The fact is, it is not uncommon for a wide variety of sensations and reactions to occur when we meditate. It's not the meditation that caused it. It's the meditation that allowed this buried feeling/trauma/pain to come to the surface and start to heal.No matter what comes up in meditation, allow it to…