The Best Way to Deal With Negative Self-Talk

When we grow up being punished and criticized, negative reinforcement becomes the only form of motivation we know. When we are brought up by tough teachers or parents who thought this was the best way, we can begin to actually fear and resist encouragement, praise and positive reinforcement. By growing up with negative reinforcement, we begin to subconsciously and mistakenly associate all of our accomplishments with stress, pressure and panic.…

How to Use Meditation to Fight Procrastination

Q: Dear Todd, when you don't do what you are supposed to do and procrastinate and daydream and use the internet then how do you love yourself or protect yourself from your negative self-talk? When you know an exam is near and everyone is studying and you are still not able to let go of your bad habits?Todd Answers: There is a lot to talk about. But let's skip the…