The Real Art of Dealing With Difficult People (Path to Peace)

Difficult people. We have all dealt with them, we will all surely deal with them again, and chances are very good that we've even been that person from time to time. So, how can we better deal with people who push our buttons? How can we prevent our own buttons from getting pushed?  Luckily, the answer is the same for both. An interaction between difficult people is a battle of…

The Vegetables Method for Controlling Thoughts

When we go on a downward spiral of negativity, underneath the thoughts are an attachment to those thoughts. This is the only reason we would mindlessly make ourselves suffer. Unconsciously, we want the drama, we want self-righteousness, we want the justified anger. AND, we unconsciously don’t want to let go, don’t want to accept, and don’t want to move on. The truth is, our value doesn’t come from others’ praise,…

How to Experience Bliss in Dark Times

Q: Dear Todd, how to experience moments of bliss in what would otherwise be described as dark circumstances?TODD ANSWERS: By replacing negative thinking such as anger, greed, hatred and fear with the positive characteristics of love, compassion, generosity, gratitude and #kindness, we become happier and more peaceful. As we train the mind to focus rather than react unconsciously, we can create whatever reality we wish. Get Peace & Calm Delivered…

What Are Your Thoughts On Negativity?

Q: Dear Todd, What Are Your Thoughts On Negativity?TODD ANSWERS: The thing about negative thoughts is that they are neither good nor bad, but clues to something going on below the surface.Like anything else that's undesirable, when negative thoughts arise, we can either get mad or sad about it. Or, we can be totally fine about it, accept it, investigate it joyfully, and be at peace with it. It's all…

Change That Internal Story: Here’s How To Do That

When we grow up unaccepted, unliked, and under appreciated, it’s a totally normal reaction to internalize those feelings. This is our way of making sense of the world — if people keep taking their anger and hurt out on us, we will begin to think that we are the problem and that we deserve it.If left unnoticed and untended to, this belief system can cause us to accept mistreatment and abuse…

Feel Immense Hatred Towards Certain People, What to do?

Fighting Hatred with LoveThe Dalai Lama is a man who saw his own country violently conquered. It would be all too easy to become bitter. But instead, he forgives and loves. He puts all of our measly everyday squabbles to shame. If he can find compassion for his invaders, we too can find it for our rude coworkers, family feuds, and former friends.No matter the question, love is always the…

What to Do if You Feel Stuck in Life?

We can all reach a point where we just need to take a step back to recharge, recenter ourselves, and reflect in order to move forward. We're not machines. In order to avoid burnout, we have to take care of ourselves first and foremost. That means listening to our bodies, minds and spirit. We all know that feeling where we push ourselves too hard and we just stare at our…

How to Gain Inner Peace When in Extreme Physical Discomfort

Q: Dear Todd, what if you are in so much physical discomfort and have been for years and the only thing that seems like it will end this discomfort is death. How do you reconcile that? Take comfort in knowing that your discomfort will end when you die?TODD ANSWERS: That is unfortunately just life sometimes. You can try to find comfort in some possible tomorrow, but you can also find…

If There’s No Purpose to Our Lives, Why Are We Living?

Q 1: Dear Todd, how do I accept that life has no meaning? Don't we have to have a purpose in life?Q 2: Dear Todd, I find myself depressed because of the realization that is no true meaning or purpose to our lives. Everything is neutral until we assign it meaning. Therefore everything is pointless, without purpose, including suffering and pain, including love and joy. Can you help me reframe…

Finding Inner Peace When Dealing with Long-Term Illness

Q: Dear Todd, will you please give me encouragement on healing from a long-time illness? I'm told I can heal but I feel hopeless. TODD ANSWERS: I just want you to know that your body is an incredibly amazing healing machine. We know for certain that our mental state can either make us sick, or it can help us recover.So I simply encourage you to view your pain and discomfort,…