How to Stop Obsessing Over Your Flaws & Imperfections

Learn to be Okay With Your Scars It’s a funny story of how we all got to be our own worst critics. It started with the mean comments we heard from others when we were kids. Next, we began to judge others to make ourselves feel better. And finally, once the voice in our head became hyper-critical of others, it inevitably turned its focus upon itself. This is how most…

The Secret of Being Less Judgemental to Others (& Yourself)

We've all got these judgmental, opinionated, critical voices in our head — relics from a time where humans lived in the wild and in constant physical danger. Today, we live in relative safety, but whether we're at the office, in traffic, or a line at the supermarket, our bodies are in an almost constant state of stress.This subtle constant stress puts our judgmental mind into overdrive. Instead of judging whether footprints…

Does Your Self-Worth Come From Your Appearance?

Today on the show, a user on Twitter asks the question, "My self worth is based on my appearance. How can I move past that and become more confident?" In the age of social media, this question has never been more important. Todd explains why we feel this way, what impact it has, and what we can do to be more confident and more comfortable in our skin.

Easy Techniques to Prevent Self Loathing

How de we control our thoughts when it seems impossible? How can we transform our mindset? Todd Perelmuter explores these and other questions in today's podcast. Find out why we become self-loathing, what the causes are, and learn easy techniques to stop and prevent self-loathing.

How to Stop Being Jealous of Other’s Success

Jealousy can be one of our most insidious emotions that can end lifelong relationships. Instead of feeling happy for others' success, we feel negative emotions for which we put up walls so as not to feel it, but really we're just closing ourselves in and blocking everyone else out.We can't fight our subconscious emotions because they are a part of us. But, we can use higher self, our conscious awareness,…