How to Break Free from Digital Addiction & Reconnect in a Tech-Obsessed World

Q: Dear Todd, either it is the generation, or something else, but I feel, people are too attached to stuff - money, sex, food, Netflix, cellphones, etc. Have you seen that movie "ripped" when they fly from the 80s to today and they go to a mall and everyone is with their cells, and they think they're in a math convention cos everyone has a "calculator", it is what's happening…

How to Stop Yourself From Arguing? The Fool-Proof Method

We live in a time of rage-filled news and algorithms that serve up content guaranteed to make your blood boil. And while we know on some level that there is no point in arguing with people who will surely disagree with us and never change, too often we fail to resist the urge and we end up spending way to much of our precious time and energy in the comments…

13 Best Social Media Addiction Quotes From Digital Ego Book

1. Just like the body is constantly eliminating toxins, the mind needs to as well. We need to give it time to rest, reflect, and find peace in the present moment. 2. Life will sometimes be exciting, and sometimes it'll be uneventful. Both of these are just parts of life. We can either escape life, or we can embrace it. 3. When we are mindlessly taking our phone out, then…

When a Sensory Pleasure Hedonistic & When a Beautiful Experience

The distinction between a sensory pleasure being hedonistic and a beautiful experience lies in the depth and nature of the encounter. While both involve a heightened sense of enjoyment, they diverge in their underlying qualities and the impact they have on one's well-being.A sensory pleasure is often hedonistic when it prioritizes immediate gratification and indulgence in sensory stimuli. This could include the enjoyment derived from taste, touch, sight, sound, or…

How to Avoid the Social Media Heartbreak Loop After a Breakup

Breakups are emotionally challenging, and in today's digital age, the omnipresence of social media can complicate the healing process. The constant stream of updates, photos, and status changes can create a heartbreak loop, impeding the journey toward emotional recovery. Q: Dear Todd, how to not check my ex's social media and break my heart over and over again?TODD ANSWERS: These phones of ours really make enjoying life difficult. Even though we…