I Am Close to My Breaking Point

Q: Dear Todd, I lost my dad a year and a half ago and since then, I have been isolated and have been utterly abandoned by relatives and so-called friends. I really and truly don't think I deserve this, but at age 65 it seems as though the entire world wants me gone. I am close to the breaking point and am praying for help. TODD ANSWERS: The constant struggle…

How to Decompress After a Stressful Situation

Humans did not evolve to face rush hour traffic, 24/7 news alerts on our phones showing us the worst things that are happening in the world, or to live half our waking lives at work with bosses and difficult coworkers. It doesn't matter who you are or where you live, there are times in our lives where we feel overwhelmed, stressed out, and exhausted from the constant barrage of chaos.…

Spend Time in Nature to Reduce Stress of City Life

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterAs someone who lives in New York, I’ve met a lot of lifelong New Yorkers who have told me they don’t like nature, they don’t need it, and they’re doing just fine without it. Many of those same people also confided in me that they struggle with alcohol, depression, anxiety, impatience, sleep issues, dissatisfaction in life, loneliness and stress. This is not a…

How to Beat Work Burntout Without Quitting Your Job

Burnout is the result of self-sabotage in the moment at the expense of ourself in the future. We think if we just work a little harder, if we just push ourselves and stretch ourself a little more, that we'll eventually reach the success we want and have the happiness we need. In reality, we're sacrificing our mental and physical health that will only result in a major setback when our…

When You Get So Overwhelmed With Life, You Do Nothing

Humanity has been through a lot lately. Pandemic, economic destruction, and war. Just one of those can be too much to bear.  This doesn't even include the stress it puts on our families, friendships and mental health. Luckily, there are a great many and powerful tools at our disposal to heal from trauma, to re-energize ourselves, and to recenter ourselves. In this podcast, Todd shares his easy, practical tips for…

How Do I Keep Stress Away When Money is Invested in Stocks?

Q: Dear Todd, how do I keep the stress away when my money is invested in the stock market and it keeps fluctuating a lot? TODD ANSWERS: Well I am no stock guru :) However, it does look like the stock market always follows the same principles of spirituality: stay calm, no need to panic. Ups and downs are inevitable. The zen approach would be to remain centered and sober…

How to Stop Being Afraid of the Unknown

There is more information today than any human could ever learn in a hundred lifetimes. And yet, we are surprised that life continues to surprise us. We can't know everything, and that's actually a great thing. We can become highly skilled in a particular passion, work together to achieve big things, and advance our skills by  recognizing gaps in our knowledge.In this podcast episode, I talk about how we can…

Path to Peace Hopeless That the Future I Dreamed of Will Never Arrive

Our lives — like all things — exist in cycles. Some years we are growing, and some years we are enjoying. Some years are for sowing, and some are for reaping. But sometimes, it can feel like we are trapped in an unending cycle, repeating the same patterns and choices over and over and over and over again. When these trying times go on for decades, we can easily begin…

Is Eliminating Stress From Your Life Possible?

Q: Dear Todd, how can we eliminate stress when it feels like too high of a bar for us to achieve?TODD ANSWERS: Just like how our emotions can be dictated by chemicals in our brain, anxiety may also still arise. However, I think really the goal of mindfulness is to be aware of these changes in our body and moods, to be aware of our thoughts/worries/anxieties.Once we are aware of…

Have Anxiety and Fear, What to Do to Feel Calm?

Let’s face it, fear and anxiety levels are higher than they’ve ever been for most people around the world since the COVID'19. We were all brought down to the knees owing to the pandemic. But since we can’t control many aspects of our lives, and we can’t run away from our worries, the best thing to do is transform the way we perceive these constant threats, face and overcome our…