Path to Peace Why Should I Try to Change and Become Better If I Am Alone?

Spirituality is a word that means something different to just about everyone. Some people think spirituality is about being kind to others at the expense of ourself. They think it means being taken advantage of, letting governments and people do anything they want, being passive, inactive, and naive. Other people think spirituality is all about selfish interests, self-love, self-care, and selfishly feeling happy despite the many problems in the world.…

8 Ways for Coping with Cancer Through Meditation

Many people ask me if meditation is good for coping with cancer. "How can I find the good in cancer?" is another question I get asked all too often. As someone who has seen many loved ones go through this battle, this is a deeply personal topic for me.The fact of the matter is, cancer is one of the worst, scariest things many people will ever go through. When you’re…

Can Meditation Help Fight Depression?

There are many more questions that envelope the idea behind meditation and spirituality. But one of the major questions that everyone asks is can meditation help fight depression? Depression is one of the most common yet most debilitating forms of mental illnesses a majority of us are suffering from today. The idea is that with meditation, you can begin your journey towards healing from this demon of depression. But what…

Path to Peace How to Overcome Meaninglessness in Life

In Viktor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning, we learn how Holocaust prisoners were more likely to survive if they felt there was some meaning to their senseless circumstances. In this evil place and time where life had no meaning, to survive meant finding and creating meaning wherever they could. For many, becoming hopeless meant certain death. Meaning and hope are like oxygen for the soul. So how do we…

Before You Distract Yourself Again

Smartphones are like refrigerators on steroids. Remember the old days? We’d go to the fridge, open the door, and be so overwhelmed with all of the stuff inside that we forgot why we went to the fridge in the first place. Who hasn’t spent 5 minutes staring at the inside of a fridge, completely lost in a daze? With smartphones, instead of 30 food items we have 50 notifications, 60…

How to Stop Relying on Other People for Your Happiness

When we expect others to make us feel better, we become the outsourcer of our own happiness. And while it can be very healing to have close people in our lives who we can share our problems with, sharing can all too easily turn into dumping. When we dump all our problems onto others with the expectation of them making us feel better, we are not valuing the other person…

Path to Peace How to Control the Ego and Forgive Others

At the heart of every conflict is at least one or two outsized egos. These egos tear families apart,  break up lovers,  ruin friendships, and turn strangers into enemies.  So how did we get here? Why do we have these egos? Are our egos protecting us or hurting ourselves and our relationships?In this podcast episode (subscribe here ), I talk about how we can forgive without getting hurt again, love…

How to Stop Obsessing Over Your Flaws & Imperfections

Learn to be Okay With Your Scars It’s a funny story of how we all got to be our own worst critics. It started with the mean comments we heard from others when we were kids. Next, we began to judge others to make ourselves feel better. And finally, once the voice in our head became hyper-critical of others, it inevitably turned its focus upon itself. This is how most…

Path to Peace Why Does it Feel Wrong to Seek Inner Peace While Grieving?

Grief is so much more than a personal journey. It's how we show our love for those we've lost to our friends and family. It's communal and it's one of the ways we all come together to heal. But, we also all heal in our own way. Because there is no one right or wrong way to grieve, we may feel guilty if we don't conform in how we grieve.…

I Hate Where I’m in Life Right Now. What to Do?

There is a common trait among people on the spiritual path to self-actualization. Often, because we tend to focus so much on self-improvement, all of that effort can easily turn into us being hypercritical and negative about ourselves. Meanwhile, people who spend no time on introspection can be perfectly content being rude, lacking ambition, and having little success. So, how do we strive for a better future without hating where…