Finding the Middle Path in Thailand – Path to Peace Podcast

Buddha often speaks of the middle path. You can think of it as the Goldilocks path — not too hot, not too cold. But this doesn't just apply to food. It applies to our spiritual path as well. We don't want to be too lazy and get no results, but we also don't want to be too rigid so that we either burn out or we become too extreme about it…

How to Use Meditation to Gain Insights About Yourself? – Path to Peace Podcast

Meditation isn't just for chilling out. It is a powerful tool that trains our minds to be present, focused, aware, peaceful and joyful. It's not about the time we spend sitting down with our eyes closed in meditation. It's about how that time improves the rest of our lives. Gaining insights into ourselves and our own mind is one of the greatest ways meditation can improve our lives. The more…

How to Not Get Overwhelmed with What’s Happening in Your Life – Path to Peace Podcast

Humanity has been through a lot lately. Pandemic, economic destruction, and war. Just one of those can be too much to bear.  This doesn't even include the stress it puts on our families, friendships and mental health. Luckily, there are a great many and powerful tools at our disposal to heal from trauma, to re-energize ourselves, and to recenter ourselves. Today, Todd shares his easy, practical tips for overcoming whatever…

How to Get My Mind to Fully Embrace Meditation – Path to Peace Podcast

Oftentimes, when we first try meditation, our mind is the biggest obstacle. It will tell us all the reasons why we should stop, it will try to distract us the whole time, it will think about what we're going to eat later or what we need to do. It feels threatened when we try to quiet it during our time in meditation. So how do we use our mind to…

How Does One Apply Meditation in Daily Life? – Path to Peace Podcast

Meditation isn't about the time we sit down with our eyes closed. It's about how that time impacts the rest of our day and our life. While the benefits of meditation naturally spill out into our day, there are a few easy things we can do to bring even more mindfulness, peace and patience into our daily life. In this episode, Todd shares those tips and tricks for living our…

What is Meditation? – Path to Peace Podcast

In this episode of Meditation Made Easy by EastWesticism, Todd Perelmuter shares how meditation is really just humanity's natural state of being. In the modern age, however, we have to actively work to get back to that state of peace and presence by retraining the mind through meditation to be clear, calm, alert and aware.

How I Cured My ADHD with Meditation – Path to Peace Podcast

For both adults and kids, there is an epidemic going around. And no, I’m not talking about COVID. I’m talking about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). All across the world, we are losing the ability to focus and pay attention. From 1997 to 2016, schoolchildren diagnosed with ADHD went from 3 percent to over 10 percent and it is still rising fast. From March 9th to March 30th of 2020,…

The Accidental Cowboy Guru – Path to Peace Podcast

Todd's spiritual journey happened completely by accident. When on vacation with a friend at a resort in Arizona, what he thought was a horse riding class turned out to be a life-changing exploration and discovery into the window of the human soul. This experience was the spark that took Todd from an award-winning Writer and Creative Director in Manhattan at the world's largest ad agency, to quitting his job, selling…

Is Open-Eyed Meditation Possible? – Path to Peace Podcast

In today's podcast, Todd Perelmuter answers a common question about a meditation style known as Open-Eyed Meditation. Open-Eye Meditation varies from staring at a candle flame to staring at a crystal, from staring at a statue of a God or staring at a blank wall. If you've been curious about this form of meditation, check it out and let us know what you think on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram The…