50 Days in the Forest | Extreme Meditation Experience

Why did you choose New Zealand?During a meeting with the high Buddhist lama, Karmapa, he asked me which forest I was going to meditate in for 50 days and if there were any bears or tigers there, as he was living in India which has both. I told him I was thinking about New Zealand and that they did not. “Very good,” he said. That really sealed the deal for…

This is How You Experience Stillness of Mind

Q: Dear Todd, how can I practice stillness?TODD ANSWERS: It is much better to practice watching your breath because your breath is always with you. You don’t have to try to freeze, because your brain will always be receiving information (light, sound, etc…). But what you can practice is stilling your focus.Focus on one thing very intently, whether it’s your breath, a mantra, or a flower. And just practice extended…

To Stop Intrusive Thoughts Permanently, You Must Do This

If we were to put all of our focus on one little ant, that ant would take up all of our attention and awareness. Similarly, even though there’s always so much happening within us and around us, if we put all of our focus on our thoughts, those thoughts will become the only things that exist to us. Similarly, when we become triggered because of traumatic events in our past, we…

11 No-Fail Ways to Practice Mindfulness at Work

Meditation is amazing for managing our emotions, calming our mind and body, and reducing stress. But, unless it's lunchtime, most of us can't escape our jobs to go meditate anytime throughout the day. So the question is, how can we practice mindfulness at work. In this episode, Todd goes into great detail about how to practice mindfulness at work, and most importantly, how to stay mindful at those really difficult…

How to Get Rid of Your Bad Habits Through Meditation

Q: Dear Todd, I have many bad habits. How can I transform myself?Todd Answers: My best advice for you, as someone who used to have many addictions, is to be patient and start with the addiction that is most disruptive (it was alcohol for me). Then work your way down from there one at a time. Trying all at once can often be impossible. If you fail, keep trying and…

What’s the Deal With Humming Meditation?

Lately, it seems about a million new types of meditations have been invented and popularized. I get asked about a lot of them and while I don’t address every single one, Humming Meditation is one that seems to come up time and time again.Unlike a lot of other new-age types of meditation, using the voice in various ways — such as chanting, singing, or saying a mantra — has been…

When the Present Moment Becomes Boring

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterBoredom may feel like a natural emotion or viewpoint, but nothing could be further from the truth. Boredom is born out of a resistance to the present moment. It is not a natural state to be bored. Boredom does not naturally arise out of a beautifully still, silent moment. Has any wild animal ever been bored?Boredom arises out of a comparative mindset conditioned…

How Visualization During Meditation Leads to Manifesting Miracles

There is nothing you need to believe or disbelieve in regards to manifestation. It is a fact, we are manifesting beings. From thought to implementation, human beings manifested every single thing in our modern society.When we visualize not just what we want but the steps to actually make it happen, we can then take action to manifest the life we desire. Anything that is possible, is possible through manifestation.We may…

My Experience at Buddhist Thai Monastery Taught Me This

Buddha often speaks of the middle path. You can think of it as the Goldilocks path — not too hot, not too cold. But this doesn't just apply to food. It applies to our spiritual path as well. We don't want to be too lazy and get no results, but we also don't want to be too rigid so that we either burn out or we become too extreme about it…

Build Self-Discipline with Meditation: 6 Easy Steps

In this article, I’ll explain in just 6 easy steps how you can build self-discipline with meditation. Despite all of the remarkable technology at our fingertips, our society seems busier than ever. But these days, more and more super successful people are learning that spending a little time tuning out helps them be more self-disciplined so they can perform at their best.What does Jack Dorsey, the CEO of two massively…