Hiring a Corporate Meditation Teacher? Ask These 4 Questions

Choosing the right corporate meditation teacher for your company is no easy task. Given below are the four questions you should ask yourself when determining which corporate meditation workshop and instructor is right for your organization.

Then, you will surely avoid catastrophe and set your company up for greater productivity. Not only this, but it will also lead to greater mental health, fewer employee conflicts, more job satisfaction, and lower turnover rates. 

Q 1: What is Their Corporate Meditation Philosophy?

Most corporate meditation workshops are led by instructors who follow a rigid ideology. This tends to be either Hinduism or Buddhism. However, there are sects of Catholicism and other Christian meditation workshops, and even atheist ones as well. 

The problem with all of these is that they leave out a vast number of people. These are the ones who do not belong to that particular sect. 

It would seem that atheism might be inclusive of everyone. However, it in fact leaves out a great number of inspiring, non-religious teachings from a variety of sources around the world. 

In fact, focusing on your breath alone while forgoing ancient wisdom does not help someone understand more deeply eternal truths about the nature of our mind, the cause of our needless suffering, and the way out of suffering.

Q 2: How Experienced is the Corporate Meditation Workshop Teacher?

Unfortunately at the moment, there is no well-regarded, internationally-recognized meditation certificate that exists to qualify a person for meditation instruction. 

Many programs involve a week or a weekend training course, which will grant anyone who attends a meditation training certificate. For all these reasons, whoever you select as your corporate meditation workshop teacher must be adequately vetted as to their training and experience. 

Q 3: Does Their Corporate Meditation Workshop Follow the Science or the Dogma?

These days, every single spiritual teacher has their own kind of spiritual practice or meditation they are promoting. You could spend a thousand lifetimes learning and testing them all. Most of which would be a waste, unfortunately.

For every true teacher, there are at least a hundred hucksters. But luckily, new scientific research has come to the rescue. We can literally see into people’s brains and see how different kinds of meditations impact neurological activity.

Q 4: What is the Track Record of Their Corporate Meditation Workshop?

Sometimes there are some genuinely well-intentioned people out there who may even know their stuff. However, when speaking to large groups they have a hard time connecting with their audience.

It can be tough for some meditation teachers to remember that not everyone has gone through the same experience they have. They further may not be completely aware that not everyone has the same knowledge they do. Their teachings can be confusing and unrelatable.

One of the most important things to look for in a corporate meditation workshop teacher is a proven track record. This can be with companies, repeat business with them, and positive outcomes at those companies.

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter

  • Post category:Work & Success
  • Post published:June 1, 2024
  • Reading time:3 mins read