6 Ways to Use Mindfulness for Managing Emotions at Work

Sure, mindfulness is easy in meditation, but how can we use mindfulness for managing emotions at work?! I get it. We’ve all been there. The boss isn’t pleased with your work. Or maybe a coworker is trying to pass their work off onto you. Or maybe you just see someone wearing the same outfit as the one you just bought yesterday.Suddenly, our heart rates go up. Muscles tense up. Body temperature…

Can We Let Our Emotions Decide Our Behavior?

Nearly all of human behaviour is conditioned, sometimes by society, sometimes by our families, and sometimes by our own unique experiences. These behaviors are conditioned through rewards and punishments. How a behavior makes us feel determines whether we continue that behavior. And while a lot of conditioning is well-intentioned, sometimes, especially when there's been trauma, we learn to internalize stress even though we are perfectly safe. But, we can unlearn…

The Best Trick to Handle Emotional & Angry Outbursts

We will all feel all of the human emotions throughout our lives. That's part of life. But when we let ourselves get swept away by those emotions, then we can act unmindfully and in ways that can hurt our reputation and relationships. When our emotions carry us away, we lose ourselves and we feel the emotions with great intensity as if they are happening to us. When we are present,…

11 No-Fail Ways to Practice Mindfulness at Work

Meditation is amazing for managing our emotions, calming our mind and body, and reducing stress. But, unless it's lunchtime, most of us can't escape our jobs to go meditate anytime throughout the day. So the question is, how can we practice mindfulness at work. In this episode, Todd goes into great detail about how to practice mindfulness at work, and most importantly, how to stay mindful at those really difficult…

The Right Way to Dealing with Repressed Emotions

Some doctors and scientists believe that repressed (and suppressed) emotions are the number one cause of chronic pain, mental health disorders and addiction. Even though we may seem very happy and joyful, on the inside we may be harboring very destructive and painful emotions that we aren't even aware of. To deal with repressed emotions, we must first recognize the telltale signs, explore their origins, and allow ourselves to feel…

How to Use Mindfulness to Manage Emotions

Q: Dear Todd, I am chaos, and I create it in everything I do and I want to stop it. I feel like a phony when I let my emotions take over.TODD ANSWERS: Don't be afraid of being a phony when your genuine emotions take over. Clearly you are trying to communicate something that is important to you. The more we practice not losing ourselves to these emotions (mindfulness), the…

Why Do My Feelings Get Hurt So Easily?

This is one of the most important and common questions I receive. The more in touch we become with our inner peace, the more jarring the outside world can become. As we begin the journey inward, we can become even more sensitive than we already were. So what can we do to not be so sensitive? How can we take control of our own mental state and not have it…