What Will Happen to Our Consciousness in Future

The future is coming at us fast. If we look at the trend of where technology is headed, we can see robotics and software becoming smarter, faster, and smaller. In many ways, computers are smarter than humans, but a computer still can't design a computer better than humans can. They lack the creativity and the conscious awareness that humans have. So, if the seemingly inevitable merger of humans and machines…

Is Oneness Scary? Will It Make Me Suffer for Others?

A near universal experience as people begin to go down the spiritual path is that they discover that when they are no longer disconnected from the rest of the universe, they become highly sensitive and empathetic. This can be a very uncomfortable experience at first simply because it is so new and different. Some people wonder if this means that the spiritual path is bad or not meant for them.…

How to Feel One With Everything

It is not easy to undo a lifetime of seeing the world in a specific way. The conscious mind can much more easily grasp onto a concept than it is for the heart to feel it on a deep level.In fact, in this instance, it appears like the mind is trying to think its way into the heart, but it doesn't really happen that way. The Union of the heart…

How to Move Past the Illusion of Separateness

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterBeing present isn’t just about being fully engaged and aware, although that is a part of it. It means getting out of our head and connecting to this bigger and broader universe. It’s about going beyond the words we hear, say and think. It’s seeing more than the objects in front of our faces. It is to be deeply connected with everything.When we…

19 Best Spiritual Quotes From Aloneness to Oneness Book

1. The key to becoming spiritual isn't that we do anything, it’s the opposite — we have to undo everything. 2. We are not merely a tiny, insignificant part of this universe, not just some mistake, or random chance, we are the universe. 3. When you're blessed, you pass it on to someone else because you know you are only blessed because someone helped show you the way. This is…

How to Overcome Meaninglessness & Existential Depression

In Viktor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning, we learn how Holocaust prisoners were more likely to survive if they felt there was some meaning to their senseless circumstances. In this evil place and time where life had no meaning, to survive meant finding and creating meaning wherever they could. For many, becoming hopeless meant certain death. Meaning and hope are like oxygen for the soul. So how do we…

Want to Experience Spiritual Oneness? Here’s the Secret

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterWhat is Spiritual Oneness?When we explore closely the nature of the self, which is the object we can most closely observe, we see that we are nothing more than a mental concept. In truth, we are inextricably connected to our parents, and their parents, and their parents, and on and on forever.We’ll see that we are the trees, whose air we breathe. We…

If God is Good, Why Does Evil Exist in Life?

Someone recently asked me, "How do you reconcile the whole, 'Everything is a beautiful part of the tapestry,' with all the ugliness present in the world? Is hatred, malice, vengeance not a part of the tapestry?" In this podcast, I talk about why we can't see the beauty, balance and oneness. I talk about what obscures our view of the miraculous nature of our universe. And I share how we…

Why Do I Feel Disconnected From Everything? Path to Peace

It's easy to get caught up in our life's story. We often lose touch with our surroundings when we get bogged down by heavy emotions and a storm of thoughts that completely dominate our attention. Sometimes, when we live mostly in our head, we feel incredibly disconnected and isolated from everyone and everything.So why do we feel this way? What causes this disconnect? Why does it happen and what can…

How to Come Out of Survival Mode & Start Living

Q: Dear Todd, I am having a hard time separating myself, my body, and my needs for water, food, safety, shelter, etc.. from the lower order of constituents we're made from. For example, I can see the peace of connectedness but at a higher level the anxiety of survival.TODD ANSWERS: ​​It's very natural for these thoughts to arrive as the thinking mind's job is survival but we can use those…