Toxic Customers Got You Down? Here’s Your Survival Guide

Q: Dear Todd, I work in a restaurant and the environment is usually very negative and toxic. What's the best way to deal with negative and difficult people without getting triggered?Todd Answers: That is so draining to be surrounded by people who bring you down day after day. The best thing to do is focus on people's energy rather than what they say. I don't mean some invisible mysterious energy. I…

What Makes You the Best Version of Yourself

Who you are is who you’ve chosen to be. Who you will be depends on the choice you make now.You are not your genes or the luck of your circumstances.You are not your surroundings or your influences.You are not what you eat or what you do.You are what you choose.Whether it's a conscious choice or an unconscious one is up to you. You are a collection of your choices. What…

How to Become Really Good at Something

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterThere is something that just about every human could benefit to learn. It is not easy. Not too many people can do it, but it may be the most important skill we can develop that will improve every aspect of our lives. We need to learn how to learn with joy, strive with peace, and work hard on achieving big goals with total presence…

How Do We Find Comfort in the Uncomfortable?

A healthy amount of fear is good. It prevents us from taking a selfie too close to the edge of a cliff. But when fear goes beyond protecting us from danger, that's when fear becomes dangerous. When it morphs into protecting us from the slightest discomfort, then fear can become our prison. Fear is an insidious monster that can take over our entire lives if we're not careful. It can…

The Simple Trick of Dealing With Difficult People That Works

Difficult people. We have all dealt with them, we will all surely deal with them again, and chances are very good that we've even been that person from time to time. So, how can we better deal with people who push our buttons? How can we prevent our own buttons from getting pushed?  Luckily, the answer is the same for both. An interaction between difficult people is a battle of…

How to Make Decisions You Won’t Regret Later

The seeds of this moment were planted in the past. What we do now will blossom in the future. If we are always attentive to the present moment, we will always tend our garden well. Whether we make mistakes or not, with presence we will always remain confident that we can correct course, make a change, adapt to new circumstances, and learn from our experience. Path to Peace with Todd…

How to Beat Work Burntout Without Quitting Your Job

Burnout is the result of self-sabotage in the moment at the expense of ourself in the future. We think if we just work a little harder, if we just push ourselves and stretch ourself a little more, that we'll eventually reach the success we want and have the happiness we need. In reality, we're sacrificing our mental and physical health that will only result in a major setback when our…

Is Earning Money an Attachment?

Despite what we may feel about it, most of us live in a capitalist society that requires us to earn money in order to survive. It is all in the "how" we earn money that makes all the difference. Are we hurting our fellow humans and creatures or are we helping? Are we sacrificing our health or our relationships for money? Or are we using our occupation to nourish ourselves…

11 No-Fail Ways to Practice Mindfulness at Work

Meditation is amazing for managing our emotions, calming our mind and body, and reducing stress. But, unless it's lunchtime, most of us can't escape our jobs to go meditate anytime throughout the day. So the question is, how can we practice mindfulness at work. In this episode, Todd goes into great detail about how to practice mindfulness at work, and most importantly, how to stay mindful at those really difficult…

How Lawyers Can Use Meditation to Lower Their Work Stress

Lawyers and StressI have known many lawyers in my life, from family members to dear friends. They are the nicest, smartest and funniest people to spend time with. They tend to be the most fun people to be around because their jobs are so stressful that they are very good at knowing how to blow off steam, sometimes in healthy ways and frequently in unhealthy ways.Because being a lawyer can…