How Mindfulness Leads to Success in Professional & Personal Life

Some people think spirituality and business don't mix. But I have noticed time and time again that when people become spiritual, they become more successful. Whether it's Ray Dalio, billionaire CEO and investor who discovered the benefits of meditation, or Elon Musk who infuses his Neuralink and SpaceX enterprises with the mission of expanding human consciousness, spiritual human endeavors often produce the greatest value. Not just for our wallets either,…

My Job is Making Me Unhappy, Should I Quit My Job?

Right now in the U.S., half of all employees are considering quitting their job.  That's a lot of people unhappy with their work. The question is, will quitting this job and finding a new job make them happier? Or, will they be as miserable or more miserable at their next job? To find out, Todd goes through a few questions we each need to ask ourselves before making any huge…

How to Stop Seeing Yourself as Failure

Overcoming the Failure Life TrapQ: I am currently struggling with a terrible sense of fear around the point at which I find myself in life right now… I have always been my harshest judge but that was what drove me on… now it is tearing me down. I am struggling to find the motivation or meaning in anything… I have read the books, done the classes, had the therapy, listened…

Why Jack Dorsey Started Meditating

We all deal with stress in our lives. Kids, mortgages, relationships, the job. Unless we have a magic wand, stressful circumstances will always show up. That’s no different whether you’re a CEO, a teacher or a busboy. So let’s find out why Jack Dorsey started meditating.Being the CEO of a publicly traded, world-famous company can be incredibly stressful. But make that the CEO of two major companies and you’re just…

How to Use Meditation to Fight Procrastination

Q: Dear Todd, when you don't do what you are supposed to do and procrastinate and daydream and use the internet then how do you love yourself or protect yourself from your negative self-talk? When you know an exam is near and everyone is studying and you are still not able to let go of your bad habits?Todd Answers: There is a lot to talk about. But let's skip the…

How Do I Keep Stress Away When Money is Invested in Stocks?

Q: Dear Todd, how do I keep the stress away when my money is invested in the stock market and it keeps fluctuating a lot? TODD ANSWERS: Well I am no stock guru :) However, it does look like the stock market always follows the same principles of spirituality: stay calm, no need to panic. Ups and downs are inevitable. The zen approach would be to remain centered and sober…

Path to Peace Hopeless That the Future I Dreamed of Will Never Arrive

Our lives — like all things — exist in cycles. Some years we are growing, and some years we are enjoying. Some years are for sowing, and some are for reaping. But sometimes, it can feel like we are trapped in an unending cycle, repeating the same patterns and choices over and over and over and over again. When these trying times go on for decades, we can easily begin…

Can spirituality and desire to make more money go together?

Q: Dear Todd, can spirituality and desire to make more money go together? TODD ANSWERS: There is nothing wrong with wealth in and of itself. It’s only when we put profits above people, when attachment to wealth creates suffering, and when fear of loss disturbs our inner peace that wealth and the pursuit of wealth become problematic. We all want a comfortable life and people should be rewarded for their…

Can Mindfulness Help in Saving Money? How?

Q: Dear Todd, how can mindfulness help in saving money?TODD ANSWERS: When we are fully present, we make smarter decisions because we are not off somewhere else.Saving money, investing money, and working towards some goal, all happen in the here and now.When we give this moment our full attention, we naturally create a better future. Like a squirrel who gathers nuts for the winter, we too know instinctually without thinking…

Why Leaders Need Meditation More Than Any Skill Training

As Spiderman’s uncle said,“With great power comes great responsibility.” This immense responsibility has led many successful leaders to discover the benefits of starting their day with meditation.From CEOs Jack Dorsey to Arriana Huffington and Jeff Weiner. As well as basketball coach Phil Jackson and team leaders Michael Jordan and Tom Brady. Also creative geniuses like Jerry Seinfeld to George Lucas and the Beatles. For all of them, meditation has been…