Dealing With Toxic Colleagues: The Spiritual Way

Q: Dear Todd, tomorrow I will have to go to work at a toxic place surrounded by toxic people to be able to pay for being alive. That's why I don't read spiritual stuff, because it makes me dream that maybe this misery will end and I develop hopes for it, but in reality it will not end, the misery will continue. Any thoughts?TODD ANSWERS: My dear friend, spirituality will…

Corporate Meditation: Do Employees Really Need It?

Success Starts and Ends with a Peaceful, Stress-Free MindAccording to of all doctor visits are for stress-related ailments or complaints.63% of all U.S. workers are ready to quit their job due to stress.Businesses lose up to $300 billion annually due to workplace stress.56% of employees say stress and anxiety impact their performance.76% of workers say stress affects their relationships, 66% say it affects their sleep, and 54% say it…

Why & How Corporate Meditation Benefits Businesses

What are Corporate Meditation Programs?Corporate Meditation Programs can be keynote lectures, multiple seminars, interactive workshops or retreats. They may take place in the office or offsite. They include a mix of mindfulness and meditation training, as well as instruction on what to expect when meditating, insights into the nature of the mind, the root causes of stress, and the best ways to alleviate stress.Beyond stress, corporate meditation programs show employees…

Meditation For Athletes 101: Boost Confidence For Competition

Guest PostAthletes experience mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and burnout. The pressure to perform and meet expectations can take a toll on an athlete's mental well-being.Meditation can be a powerful tool for athletes to incorporate into their self-care routines. It can help them manage stress, improve focus, and enhance their overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the benefits of meditation for athletes and provide tips on how…

How to Earn Money Without Losing Your Soul

There is a cosmic irony to this law of the universe: the more we try, the more likely we are to fail. This law is true in sports, art, dating, earning money and just about everything else. The more we force effort, the more we repel the thing we want. The more pressure we put on ourselves, the more nervous we get and the more mistakes we make.Forced effort isn't…

How to Use Meditation to Resolve Workplace Conflict

Human beings have a funny habit of being very kind and polite to strangers, but when it comes to close friends, family and coworkers, we tend to lose ourselves and respond in anger and frustration. Because of the familiarity that develops, we get too comfortable and react instead of respond. We forget ourselves, where we are and what our goals are. When we’ve been working with the same people for…

How to Use Meditation For Decision Making

We all know meditation can make us more peaceful, patient, relaxed and joyful. We know it lowers stress, anxiety and blood pressure. But did you know meditation can lead to better decision making?In this article, I’ll tell you how it works and show you how to use meditation for better decision making.Meditation Makes Us SmarterMeditation makes us smarter?!?! It’s true! Meditation isn’t about shutting down our thoughts. It’s about becoming…

Success Without Constant Stress, Is It Possible?

Q: Dear Todd, I want to achieve a big success in my life but that will require a lot of competition, constant stress, and bigger responsibilities. So, will this make me unhappy?Todd Answers: Some people are built for the competitive high-stress fast-paced lifestyle. Some people just want to be monks. Everybody is different.I will say this though, stressful situations do not need to make us stressed. Stress only occurs when…

When the Negative Nelly is a Colleague You Can’t Ignore

Q: Dear Todd, what about when you work with a negative nelly? I ignore her, I don't validate her, but yet she cannot enjoy peace and quiet - she HAS to fill the silence with her ailments and as much as I try it's so hard - she sucks the life out of the office.TODD ANSWERS: ​​​​There is really very little we can do to change others. But, often when…

When a Sensory Pleasure Hedonistic & When a Beautiful Experience

The distinction between a sensory pleasure being hedonistic and a beautiful experience lies in the depth and nature of the encounter. While both involve a heightened sense of enjoyment, they diverge in their underlying qualities and the impact they have on one's well-being.A sensory pleasure is often hedonistic when it prioritizes immediate gratification and indulgence in sensory stimuli. This could include the enjoyment derived from taste, touch, sight, sound, or…