How to Ensure Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter Life happens. The good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. We do our best and we hope for the best. And while we can’t control everything that happens to us, we can change the way we experience what happens to us. In fact, addressing the way we experience life is the best way to ensure workplace wellbeing.Look at Stress to Best Ensure Workplace…

Here’s Why Big Companies Are Investing in Corporate Meditation

What do Google, Nike, Apple, Amazon, General Mills, Procter & Gamble, Deutsche Bank, and Bridgewater all have in common? That’s right, they’re all extremely successful. But also, as you may have guessed, they have all discovered that there’s a better productivity boost. They give it to their employees that works better than a coffee break ever has. That is corporate meditation.A small investment in Corporate Meditation leads to huge profits and…

Can Corporate Meditation Lower Employee Turnover Rates?

Employee turnover rates are at all time highs today. 95% of workers are thinking of quitting their jobs and the number one reason is burnout. Even before the pandemic, 1 in 5 people quit their job every single year on average. With poor employee retention costing the U.S. businesses $1 trillion a year, companies are starting to wonder, can corporate meditation lower employee turnover rates?While employee turnover rates have been…

Can Spirituality & Meditation Help Me Gain Wealth?

Spirituality cannot gain wealth. But it can do two things. It can increase the quality of your experience of life no matter how rich or poor you are. It can also increase discipline, creativity, clarity, insights, understanding and wisdom so that we can be more successful at whatever we do. Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter

What to Expect in a Corporate Mindfulness Program

If you’re like me, you’ve heard people say things like, “For me, swimming laps is my meditation.” Or, “Making art is meditation for me.” Or, “Going for walks is my meditation time.” I get it. When I used to act or perform comedy, I felt the same way. Going skiing, shooting a bow and arrow at a target, working out, and rock climbing. They all were times when I cleared…

Do This If You Want to Become the Best Version of Yourself

Only when we are not living completely authentically, and only when we misidentify with our mind-made versions of ourselves, can we wish to reinvent ourselves. The real question is, "How can I live more in line with my inner nature?" We all know the experience where we are so in our head, planning and plotting what to say or how to act, that we become insecure. When we become insecure,…

Corporate Meditation: The What, Why & How of It

We’ve all been there. Working like crazy, late nights, but you get to the point where you realize you’re just staring at the screen getting absolutely nothing done. You’re drained, exhausted, and burnt out. This is where corporate meditation can help.This experience is a common situation in the office or working from home. We like to think we’re unstoppable. That if we just dedicate more hours, we’ll get more done.…

The Only Thing That Solves Financial Anxiety

All of us since we were very little children, started developing a relationship around money. Unless you were born in the top 1 percent, that relationship has probably had some degree of stress and anxiety. It's only normal. We need it and there never seems to be enough of it. Obviously we can't eat money, but it can certainly buy food, and so, we treat money like we used to…

Why We Feel Dissatisfied With Life & How to Fix That

No matter who you are, no matter where you live, no matter how rich or how poor, job or no job, we can all fall prey to that creeping dissatisfaction that can ruin our lives. Fortunately,  peace and happiness are possible for each and every one of us. Right here. Right now. We can accept where we are, we can work towards a brighter future, and we can love every…

Hiring a Corporate Meditation Teacher? Ask These 4 Questions

Choosing the right corporate meditation teacher for your company is no easy task. Given below are the four questions you should ask yourself when determining which corporate meditation workshop and instructor is right for your organization. Then, you will surely avoid catastrophe and set your company up for greater productivity. Not only this, but it will also lead to greater mental health, fewer employee conflicts, more job satisfaction, and lower…