Can Meditation Help Fight Depression?

There are many more questions that envelope the idea behind meditation and spirituality. But one of the major questions that everyone asks is can meditation help fight depression? Depression is one of the most common yet most debilitating forms of mental illnesses a majority of us are suffering from today.The idea is that with meditation, you can begin your journey towards healing from this demon of depression. But what is…

When the Past Keeps Haunting You

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterUsually what happens when we have those unwanted, intrusive, misery-inducing thoughts, is that we are trying to suppress something that is clearly there and trying to express itself. Suppression and repression only feed negative thoughts more energy. Distraction and escape just keep them bubbling under the surface. Engaging with those thoughts feeds them too. So what the heck are we supposed to do?!The…

Do We Deserve Happiness?

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterIf you are breathing, you deserve happiness. Now, I don’t mean this as some political human right or some new-agey “soul” right. I also don’t mean that we deserve to always be laughing like fools. I don’t even mean that we deserve a perfect world or a world free from suffering, because that would not actually make us happy.If we remove the suffering…

My Favorite 17 Quotes From “Finding Your True Self: A Love Story” Book

1. Loving others does need to start with loving ourselves.2. Our relationship with ourselves is the most important relationship we have.3. By going through pain and surviving, we become examples to the world that they're not alone, that they can overcome, they can do better, and get better.4. No matter the question, love is always the answer. Forgiveness is freeing.5. Wear your scars proud my friend, for you can do…

Why Am I Always Sabotaging My Happiness? How to Stop

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterHow to Stop Sabotaging Your Own HappinessLet’s take a moment and look at our ego — that thinking part of our brain. It’s not hard to see how, when all humans used to live in the wilderness, that these thinking machines would come in handy. It’s very useful, when there’s danger everywhere, to have these danger detectors. The ego is always looking out…

3 Ways to Stop Feeling Stuck in Life

When I decided to leave my job and go to the far East to discover the secrets to life’s deepest questions, it took a solid two years before I saved up enough money to go. People stopped believing me that I was going to go, and I started to feel stuck. But I stuck to the plan, and it finally happened. From my experience looking back, I wish someone told…

How to Earn Money Without Losing Your Soul

There is a cosmic irony to this law of the universe: the more we try, the more likely we are to fail. This law is true in sports, art, dating, earning money and just about everything else. The more we force effort, the more we repel the thing we want. The more pressure we put on ourselves, the more nervous we get and the more mistakes we make.Forced effort isn't…

3 Easy Tricks to Find More Peace & Contentment in Your Life

What is the secret to peace and contentment? Why is it so elusive? We all seek it and yet very few of us have it. We are bombarded with "solutions" for discontent everywhere and all the time. This or that product will finally give you the feeling of wholeness. The next iPhone will be the last product you'll ever need... until the next model comes out. This car, that house,…

Does Your Self-Worth Come From Your Appearance?

Today on the show, a user on Twitter asks the question, "My self worth is based on my appearance. How can I move past that and become more confident?" In the age of social media, this question has never been more important. Todd explains why we feel this way, what impact it has, and what we can do to be more confident and more comfortable in our skin.

What to Do If You Want to Feel Happy?

We all want to be happy. But how do we get it? What makes us happy? And how do we get that long lasting happiness we all seek.In this episode, Todd reveals the true secret to lasting happiness. And it's not what we usually think it is.So many of the things we seek to bring us happiness are nothing more than temporary pleasures. After these pleasures are over, they're usually…