How to Stop Relying on Other People for Your Happiness

When we expect others to make us feel better, we become the outsourcer of our own happiness. And while it can be very healing to have close people in our lives who we can share our problems with, sharing can all too easily turn into dumping. When we dump all our problems onto others with the expectation of them making us feel better, we are not valuing the other person in…

Can Meditation Cure Bipolar Disorder?

Meditation is a powerful tool for managing emotions and creating a sense of peace and equanimity through emotional highs and lows. I would highly recommend it for bipolar.I recommend starting with repeating a #mantra. It’s easy and a good way to get started. After a few weeks, give breath meditation a try where you just focus on your breath. Start slow and try to work your way up to 20…

Meditation for Mental Health? Read This First

Most people think dealing with mental health issues has only two options: medication and talk therapy. What people often don’t realize though is that there are now stacks of literature proving that meditation can help with mental health. Everything from depression to anxiety, bipolar to BPD, addiction to OCD and more.In this article, I will share some of the literature and studies on how meditation can help with mental health…

13 Best Social Media Addiction Quotes From Digital Ego Book

1. Just like the body is constantly eliminating toxins, the mind needs to as well. We need to give it time to rest, reflect, and find peace in the present moment. 2. Life will sometimes be exciting, and sometimes it'll be uneventful. Both of these are just parts of life. We can either escape life, or we can embrace it. 3. When we are mindlessly taking our phone out, then…

Surprising Trick to Find Peace in Chaos

Many of us try futilely to control every aspect of our lives. But control is an illusion. We can do our best to create a perfectly calm life, but life may have other plans for us. While we can't always control our circumstances, we can control how we experience and react to them. That is where mindfulness comes in. In this episode, Todd dives deep into the nature of our…

When You Get So Overwhelmed With Life, You Do Nothing

Humanity has been through a lot lately. Pandemic, economic destruction, and war. Just one of those can be too much to bear.  This doesn't even include the stress it puts on our families, friendships and mental health. Luckily, there are a great many and powerful tools at our disposal to heal from trauma, to re-energize ourselves, and to recenter ourselves. In this podcast, Todd shares his easy, practical tips for…

Easy Techniques to Prevent Self Loathing

How de we control our thoughts when it seems impossible? How can we transform our mindset? Todd Perelmuter explores these and other questions in today's podcast. Find out why we become self-loathing, what the causes are, and learn easy techniques to stop and prevent self-loathing.

How to Silence the Inner Negative Voice With Meditation

Some people have such a loud voice in their head, that they are actually unaware they have a voice in their head at all. It's gotten so noisy and constant, that we don't even have the awareness to hear it because we are completely lost in our thoughts. In those cases, only when a person sits down to meditate and they actually turn their attention inward, do they discover the…

What to Do If You Want to Feel Happy?

We all want to be happy. But how do we get it? What makes us happy? And how do we get that long lasting happiness we all seek.In this episode, Todd reveals the true secret to lasting happiness. And it's not what we usually think it is.So many of the things we seek to bring us happiness are nothing more than temporary pleasures. After these pleasures are over, they're usually…