How to Decompress After a Stressful Situation

Humans did not evolve to face rush hour traffic, 24/7 news alerts on our phones showing us the worst things that are happening in the world, or to live half our waking lives at work with bosses and difficult coworkers. It doesn't matter who you are or where you live, there are times in our lives where we feel overwhelmed, stressed out, and exhausted from the constant barrage of chaos.…

How to Deal with Negative People Without Losing Your Peace

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter Q: Dear Todd, I find that I can be very loving and relaxed if I am not in a company that easily pulls my strings like low-paid jobs where everyone must go if they don't have other jobs to get money for living and then there are often people that have learned to be so mean and bring others down. I guess it's…

Toxic Customers Got You Down? Here’s Your Survival Guide

Q: Dear Todd, I work in a restaurant and the environment is usually very negative and toxic. What's the best way to deal with negative and difficult people without getting triggered?Todd Answers: That is so draining to be surrounded by people who bring you down day after day. The best thing to do is focus on people's energy rather than what they say. I don't mean some invisible mysterious energy. I…

Why Do We Experience Stuff

Q: Dear Todd, spirituality takes me away from alcohol, cigarettes, porn, sex, and marijuana. This mind does not search for bliss from materials. It’s trying to express infinite love. It always wanted to do so; everyone wants to do so. The intention is beautiful, but the direction is less correct.I also know that the mind cannot go beyond time, space, and causality. This mind is not intelligent, although it appears…

Dealing With Toxic Colleagues: The Spiritual Way

Q: Dear Todd, tomorrow I will have to go to work at a toxic place surrounded by toxic people to be able to pay for being alive. That's why I don't read spiritual stuff, because it makes me dream that maybe this misery will end and I develop hopes for it, but in reality it will not end, the misery will continue. Any thoughts?TODD ANSWERS: My dear friend, spirituality will…

Where Does Consciousness Lie?

There are a few things that point to consciousness outside of this physical dimension. Number one, when we die, something nonphysical leaves our bodies, indicating it is not of this dimension of physical reality. Number two, consciousness interacts with physical reality. When matter is unobserved, it exists as a wave of energy. When consciousness observes the wave, it collapses down to matter. In any situation where one person looks at…

Is It Bad to Avoid People Who Are Mean And Hurtful?

Q: Dear Todd, is it bad to avoid people who are mean and hurtful rather than to spend time with them? TODD ANSWERS: I think of it the way I think of art. I deeply love all art because it comes from a place of wishing to make the world a more beautiful place. However, I can’t hang every piece of art in my house, so I have to be…

When the Negative Nelly is a Colleague You Can’t Ignore

Q: Dear Todd, what about when you work with a negative nelly? I ignore her, I don't validate her, but yet she cannot enjoy peace and quiet - she HAS to fill the silence with her ailments and as much as I try it's so hard - she sucks the life out of the office.TODD ANSWERS: ​​​​There is really very little we can do to change others. But, often when…

How to Stop Feeling Jaded And Bitter Over Time

Love is the glue that holds this universe together. It is the gravity that unites two star crossed lovers. And it is the only reason we exist — it brought our parents together, love nourished and protected us through infancy, and it is the only reason we haven’ blown ourselves up yet.Love is a feeling as innate as hunger. Instead of leading us to food, love guides us towards being more…