How to Stop Hating Everything (The Spiritual Solution)

In the podcast, Todd answers the question submitted online from one of our listeners, "How can I stop hating and complaining about everything?" In it you'll hear how we can reframe our experiences so that we experience more joy and gratitude in everything we do. Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter

How to Deal with Toxic Customers (& Maintain Inner Peace)

Q: Dear Todd, I work in a restaurant and the environment is usually very negative and toxic. What's the best way to deal with negative and difficult people without getting triggered?Todd Answers: That is so draining to be surrounded by people who bring you down day after day. The best thing to do is focus on people's energy rather than what they say. I don't mean some invisible mysterious energy. I…

How Did Consciousness Come Into Existence

Q: Dear Todd, I want to know how consciousness got infected in the first place. Why isn't all of this just common knowledge and our natural operating system? Why are there errors in the code? If everything is one... why is it so... human?TODD ANSWERS: Physically, we are not much more evolved than neanderthals. We think we are wise, but in reality we are merely the first species smart enough…

Does Universe Understand Negation as if in Mantras?

Q: Dear Todd, Does universe know a negation or a negative? If you say it does the universe hears the opposite? I really get so confused sometimes with all the spiritual understanding. TODD ANSWERS: That’s a great question. Negation only happens when there is suppression or repression of a concept. For example, don’t think of a monkey. The mantra, “I do not need to be perfect, I do not need…

Accountability to Immoral Things You Did Before You Awakened?

Q: Dear Todd, if you did immoral things before you were awakened to the universal truths will you be held accountable for those things in this life or future lives? TODD ANSWERS: Is a tiger responsible for killing a gazelle? I don’t think so. I think it is a creature living out its own nature based on its past karma/cause-and-effect. When we act with unawareness, we are not in control.…

I Get Emotionally Abused Whenever I Date. What to Do?

Q: Dear Todd, I have an inferiority complex. Every time I date, I just end up being emotionally abused by my partner. TODD ANSWERS: Inferiority in dating is so common, you probably regularly date people who also feel inferior. We’re all insecure to some degree. It’s totally normal and healthy to have a healthy degree of self-skepticism. If I never doubted myself, I’d probably have worn my Superman cape to…

Path to Peace How to Stop Excessive Unnecessary Thinking

Our society today values thinking above being. We are encouraged ever since preschool to always be thinking. While human thinking and intellect are the greatest tools for survival on our planet, if that thinking isn't infused with presence, wisdom, and conscious intention, it will lead to every single problem humans have created throughout our history. It's no wonder most people have a deeply ingrained habit of incessant thinking. We don't…

How to Respond to People Who Hurt Us

Q: Dear Todd, shouldn't we respond with our true feelings to people who hurt us and not with love and kindness? TODD ANSWERS: Someone recently asked me this question about how to respond to people who hurt us. I get it, believe me. Our first (unconscious) instinctual reaction is to respond with anger. But this would be a reaction that lacks wisdom, patience, perspective, and most importantly, efficacy. It is…

Path to Peace How to Achieve Mindful Success

Some people think spirituality and business don't mix. But I have noticed time and time again that when people become spiritual, they become more successful. Whether it's Ray Dalio, billionaire CEO and investor who discovered the benefits of meditation, or Elon Musk who infuses his Neuralink and SpaceX enterprises with the mission of expanding human consciousness, spiritual human endeavors often produce the greatest value. Not just for our wallets either,…

When Your Child Gets Bullied

Q: Dear Todd, what about bullying especially as a child? My daughter has a great beautiful heart, but over 4 years now she is bullied and it has changed her really. Do we have something inside that makes such things happen on the outside? I am quite desperate to learn how to handle all that and hope for impulses also from the spirit world cause I learned the most happened…