Grieving Alone: Finding Strength When Family and Friends Are Distant

Q: Dear Todd, my wife was the closest person to me and she died last year, and now I’m stuck on this hell rock of a planet. I’m not that close to a lot of my family. This woman I know who is a widow who I was getting close to, is now showing her true colors, and it’s not in a good way. I’m really tired and waiting to join my wife when the time comes. I might end up by myself until that day comes!

TODD ANSWERS: Losing a spouse is unimaginable. Having to start over romantically must seem daunting, but you have already done the hard part that many people can never get to.

Some people will be right for you, some people will be wrong, and some people will be right for now. There will be ups and downs just like on a roller coaster and I am wishing you the #presence to enjoy the journey.

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