What’s the Best Way to Treat Your Enemies?

Q: Dear Todd, how can Ukrainians respond with love to their enemies?TODD ANSWERS: Someone recently asked me how I can suggest that even people in Ukraine respond with love when their lives are in danger. The person went on to tell me that they struggle with spirituality because "we have fear for a reason and if a bear is charging at you, it doesn't care if you respond with love…

Grieving Alone: Finding Strength When Family and Friends Are Distant

Q: Dear Todd, my wife was the closest person to me and she died last year, and now I'm stuck on this hell rock of a planet. I'm not that close to a lot of my family. This woman I know who is a widow who I was getting close to, is now showing her true colors, and it's not in a good way. I'm really tired and waiting to…

Is Gay Shame or Religious Guilt Worth Sacrificing Your Love?

Q: Dear Todd, my problem is: I am someone who saw and recognized my same-sex attraction from a young age. Over time, I surrendered to such behavior and came into contact with men. I was in a relationship with a wonderful man for several years. With whom I broke up some time ago, even though I had everything that every "gay" would want. The reason why I broke up is…

Feeling Inadequate and Worthless? Here’s the SOLUTION

If supermodels are insecure, if billionaires feel like failures, and if the world's greatest artists feel like imposters, how the heck are the rest of us supposed to feel worthy and good enough?! The truth is, value doesn't come from others' praise, worth doesn't come from wealth, and contentment doesn't come from achievement. If we only care about superficial things like money and looks, our lives will lack what truly…

How to Not Fear Rejection From a Girl

Q: Dear Todd, fear of rejection, then not feeling good enough is what holds me back from talking to more women. I feel like I’d have way more joy in my life if I just went for it, but I know how much rejection happens plus I don’t want to force things, I like the universe to guide me to the right connections. What’s your take on this? Do you…

Need Someone to Care About Me

Sometimes in our lives we can feel like there is nobody there to care about us. Other times, the people who are supposed to care about us are trying to take advantage of us. So what can we do when we just need a hug, when we need the love and support of the outside world, and when we find ourselves lost in loneliness. Here are two essential things that…

Anxiety Issues Making It Hard to Date

There are a few things we can do to lower anxiety. One way is to boost our confidence. This is done through practice and self-trust, so one thing to do is to try to have a meaningful (roughly 30-second) conversation with everyone you encounter, in a way that goes just slightly deeper and more original than “How’s the weather?” Use your surroundings to connect. This all helps us get out…

Do We Need a Relationship or Partner to Complete Us?

If we overthink about it, life can be very confusing. There is so much information that we are bombarded with daily, from ads to movies, from social media to our in-person interactions. Within all of that information are subtle cues that tell us how life should be, what a perfect life looks like, and how you'll finally be happy if only (fill in the blank). But, all of that noise…

How to Deal With Lack of Affection in Your Life

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterWe all need human touch and affection. (If you’re currently experiencing loneliness and a lack of physical touch, this video is for you.) It is as innate a drive as hunger and thirst. We love love, and so we seek it out, we crave it, and it is this force that has helped us work together to survive and thrive on this planet.It…

Getting Over a Breakup When the Reason Seems Confusing

Q: Dear Todd, I recently separated from a partner citing that being together was difficult for her mental health and her judgment of my own inner peace. She believed I had more to work on. Ending things over that made me question the validity of the oneness sadly because her depth into that study is significant.Maybe I am amidst processing and possibly misunderstanding it, but I feel it was the…